
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Re-theorising mobility and the formation of culture and language among the Corded Ware Culture in Europe2017/04/01English108
Climate change and the deteriorating archaeological and environmental archives of the Arctic2018/06/01English84
Against reactionary populism: towards a new public archaeology2018/04/01English73
Revisiting reflexive archaeology at Çatalhöyük: integrating digital and 3D technologies at the trowel's edge2015/04/01English71
Kossinna's smile2017/04/01English67
The farming-inequality nexus: new insights from ancient Western Eurasia2019/09/18English64
The data deluge2015/12/01English64
From ‘collapse’ to urban diaspora: the transformation of low-density, dispersed agrarian urbanism2015/10/01English63
Satellite evidence of archaeological site looting in Egypt: 2002–20132016/02/01English62
Phytoliths and rice: from wet to dry and back again in the Neolithic Lower Yangtze2015/10/01English60
Cooperative harvesting of aquatic resources and the beginning of pottery production in north-eastern North America2015/01/30English54
Boots on the ground in Africa's ancient DNA ‘revolution’: archaeological perspectives on ethics and best practices2018/06/01English54
The emergence of complex society in China: the case of Liangzhu2018/08/01English52
Peopling South America's centre: the late Pleistocene site of Santa Elina2017/08/01English51
Fragmenting times: interpreting a Bayesian chronology for the Late Neolithic occupation of Çatalhöyük East, Turkey2015/01/30English50
Was there ever a Neolithic in the Neotropics? Plant familiarisation and biodiversity in the Amazon2018/12/01English48
Beaker people in Britain: migration, mobility and diet2016/05/17English46
House of cards: cultural taxonomy and the study of the European Upper Palaeolithic2019/10/01English46
Modelling the diffusion of pottery technologies across Afro-Eurasia: emerging insights and future research2016/05/17English45
China and the steppe: reception and resistance2017/04/01English44
The future of archaeological theory2015/12/01English44
Characterising copper-based metals in Britain in the first millennium AD: a preliminary quantification of metal flow and recycling2015/06/01English43
The landscape of Angkor Wat redefined2015/12/01English43
Equine cranial morphology and the identification of riding and chariotry in late Bronze Age Mongolia2015/08/01English40
Feeding ancient cities in South Asia: dating the adoption of rice, millet and tropical pulses in the Indus civilisation2016/11/21English40
Revisiting lead isotope data in Shang and Western Zhou bronzes2017/12/01English40
The antiquity of bow-and-arrow technology: evidence from Middle Stone Age layers at Sibudu Cave2018/04/01English38
Adunqiaolu: new evidence for the Andronovo in Xinjiang, China2017/06/01English38
Residential patterning at Angkor Wat2015/12/01English38
Neanderthals, trees and dental calculus: new evidence from El Sidrón2016/04/01English38