Cooperating with the Police as an Act of Social Control - Trust and Neighbourhood Concerns as Predictors of Public Assistance | 2016/11/08 | Norwegian | 15 |
Hvorfor velger politistudentene å bli politi? - Om verdier, idealer og et trygt samfunn | 2016/05/13 | Norwegian | 9 |
Reflexivity in Police Education | 2017/05/30 | English | 9 |
Security Governance – An Empirical Analysis of the Norwegian Context | 2016/05/13 | Norwegian | 7 |
Whistleblowing within the Swedish Police | 2019/06/28 | English | 6 |
Knowing from Within | 2018/06/27 | Norwegian | 6 |
Policing High-Trust Societies - Five Pieces to the Puzzle | 2016/11/08 | Norwegian | 6 |
To What Extent Can We Trust Police Research? - Examining Trends in Research ‘on’, ‘with’, ‘by’ and ‘for’ the Police | 2016/11/08 | Norwegian | 6 |
«Kandetvære godtpolitiarbeid?» | 2017/11/02 | English | 5 |
Når politiet møter publikum | 2017/05/30 | English | 5 |
Personality and mental health changes throughoutthe course of university police training in Sweden | 2019/06/28 | English | 5 |
Quantifying the Geographical (Un)reliabilityof Police Data | 2018/12/12 | English | 5 |
Literature on Police Reforms in the Nordic Countries | 2017/11/02 | English | 4 |
Policing the Penal Provisions on Repeated and SevereDomestic Violence | 2019/12/13 | Norwegian | 3 |
Konkret eller abstrakt politiarbejde? | 2018/06/27 | Norwegian | 3 |
Renewal and Retraditionalisation | 2017/11/02 | English | 3 |
From Integration to Contact | 2017/11/02 | English | 3 |
Nightlife Partnership Policing - (Dis)trust Building Between Bouncers and the Police in the War on Gangs | 2016/11/08 | Norwegian | 3 |
The Inter-Rater Reliability of ViolenceRisk Assessment Tools Used by Police Employees in Swedish PoliceSettings | 2017/05/30 | English | 2 |
Low-Trust Policing in a High-Trust Society - The Norwegian Police Immigration Detention Centre and the Search for Public Sphere Legitimacy | 2016/11/08 | Norwegian | 2 |
«Hele skolen trenger ikke den oppmerksomheten» | 2019/12/13 | Norwegian | 2 |
Generalistens rolle i etterretningsstyrt politiarbeid | 2019/12/13 | Norwegian | 2 |
En god og en dårlig nyhet – om DNAs effekt på oppklaringsprosenten i vinningssaker | 2016/05/13 | Norwegian | 1 |
Police Research Methodology: | 2018/12/12 | English | 1 |
Conducting Critical Research on Powerful Organisations | 2019/12/13 | Norwegian | 1 |
Peter Lindström og Ulf Sempert (red.):
Kriminologioch poliskunskap. Mötet mellan forskning och praktik | 2019/06/28 | English | 1 |
The Police as a Municipal or State Agency | 2017/11/02 | English | 1 |
Modernizing the Police with Research, Developmentand Innovation Activities | 2017/05/30 | English | 1 |
Otto Petersson: Att bli polis. Från utbildningens förväntningar til gatans norm | 2016/05/13 | Norwegian | 1 |
Hot Spot ‘Knarkrondellen’ | 2019/12/13 | Norwegian | 1 |