History and Philosophy of Logic

Title Publication Date Language Citations
John Eliot's Logick Primer: A Bilingual English-Massachusett Logic Textbook2023/05/18English
Uber Beziehungen zwischen Heinrich Scholz und polnischen Logikern1999/04/01English
Essay Review1999/01/01English
Hupoin thePrior Analytics: a note on Disamis XLL2000/12/01English
Book Reviews2000/01/01English
Book Reviews2000/06/01English
Essay Review1999/04/01English
Entailment and Truthmaking: The Consequentia Rerum from Boethius to the Ars Meliduna2024/04/08English
The Place of Reduction in Aristotle's Prior Analytic s2024/01/04English
Review ArticleReview of R. Routley. Ultralogic as Universal? The Sylvan Jungle – Volume 4 , edited by Z. Weber, with commentary essays by E. Mares, R. Brady, C. Mortensen. Synthese Library vol. 396. Cham, Springer, 205pp., € 90.94. ISBN 978-3-319-91973-7.2023/11/20English
The Theoretical Unity of Aristotle’s Categorical Syllogistic and Sophistics2024/03/27English
(What) Is Feminist Logic? (What) Do We Want It to Be?2024/01/02English
Logic and Discrimination2024/01/02English
The Birth of Logic Out of the Spirit of Democracy2024/01/02English
Polish Logicians on Social Functions of Logic2024/01/02English
Politics, History and Logic in Max Weber2024/01/02English
Rethinking Logical and Political Normativity2024/01/02English
Introduction. Logic and Politics2024/01/02English
A Formal Explication of Blanchette's Conception of Fregean Consequence2023/03/01English
Shadows of Syntax: Revitalizing Logical and Mathematical Conventionalism2023/03/17English
Connexivity in Aristotle’s Logic2023/07/11English
An Enhanced Account of Relative Identity: Double-Reference Starting Point and Dual-Track Feature2023/07/26English
Logicism and Principle of Tolerance: Carnap’s Philosophy of Logic and Mathematics*2023/07/27English
Bolzano on Bolzano: A Hitherto Unknown Announcement of Bolzano’sBeyträge2022/12/28English
A Short Note on the Early History of the Spectrum Problem and Finite Model Theory2024/04/19English
Frege's theorem and his logicism2000/12/01English
Essay Review1999/04/01English
Intuitionism, Meaning Theory and Cognition2000/09/01English
Arthur Prior's Proofs of the Necessities of Identity and Difference2023/08/11English