Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure

Title Publication Date Language Citations
State of the research in community resilience: progress and challenges2018/01/08English184
Modeling the resilience of critical infrastructure: the role of network dependencies2016/11/28English150
Resilience analysis: a mathematical formulation to model resilience of engineering systems2017/10/24English145
Resilience metrics and measurement methods for transportation infrastructure: the state of the art2018/04/30English130
The Centerville Virtual Community: a fully integrated decision model of interacting physical and social infrastructure systems2016/11/28English110
Toward adaptive infrastructure: flexibility and agility in a non-stationarity age2018/01/08English94
A multidisciplinary definition and evaluation of resilience: the role of social justice in defining resilience2018/04/05English89
A review on resilience assessment of energy systems2019/06/03English56
Probabilistic multi-scale modeling of interdependencies between critical infrastructure systems for resilience2017/07/09English56
Defining resilience analytics for interdependent cyber-physical-social networks2017/03/02English54
Understanding flood risk in the context of community resilience modeling for the built environment: research needs and trends2020/02/12English46
Monte-Carlo-based reliability and vulnerability assessment of a natural gas transmission system due to random network component failures2017/04/19English45
A compositional demand/supply framework to quantify the resilience of civil infrastructure systems (Re-CoDeS)2017/09/12English42
A review of the potential impacts of climate change on the safety and performance of bridges2019/04/01English42
Society-based design: promoting societal well-being by designing sustainable and resilient infrastructure2018/05/11English41
Port disruption impact on the maritime supply chain: a literature review2019/05/13English36
Building portfolio fragility functions to support scalable community resilience assessment2016/11/28English34
Concepts and practices for transforming infrastructure from rigid to adaptable2019/04/23English33
A risk de-aggregation framework that relates community resilience goals to building performance objectivess2016/05/24English31
Integration of detailed household and housing unit characteristic data with critical infrastructure for post-hazard resilience modeling2019/11/19English28
The vulnerability of interdependent urban infrastructure systems to climate change: could Phoenix experience a Katrina of extreme heat?2018/04/25English28
An interdisciplinary system dynamics model for post-disaster housing recovery2017/09/01English28
Integrating engineering outputs from natural disaster models into a dynamic spatial computable general equilibrium model of Centerville2016/11/28English25
Reconciling complexity and deep uncertainty in infrastructure design for climate adaptation2020/01/16English25
What is the role of green stormwater infrastructure in managing extreme precipitation events?2020/05/12English24
Handling incomplete and missing data in water network database using imputation methods2019/04/24English24
A system-of-systems framework for exploratory analysis of climate change impacts on civil infrastructure resilience2018/01/07English23
Long-term adaption decisions via fully and partially observable Markov decision processes2017/01/02English22
Classification and mathematical modeling of infrastructure interdependencies2020/05/27English22
A resilience assessment of an interdependent multi-energy system with microgrids2020/01/16English21