Finite Fields and Their Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Non-Abelian extensions of degree p3 and p4 in characteristic p > 2English
On permutation quadrinomials from Niho exponents in characteristic twoEnglish
Irreducibility properties of Carlitz' binomial coefficients for algebraic function fieldsEnglish
Primitive elements of finite fields Fqr avoiding affine hyperplanes for q = 4 and q = 5English
New classes of permutation trinomials of F22mEnglish
The Conductors of Eisenstein Characters in Cyclotomic Number Fields1995/07/01English
Three proofs of an observation on irreducible polynomials over GF(2)2023/06/01English
New advances in permutation decoding of first-order Reed-Muller codes2023/06/01English
Constructing permutation polynomials over Fq3 from bijections of PG(2,q)2024/03/01English
Matrices in M2[Fq[T]] with quadratic minimal polynomial2024/03/01English
Author Index for Volume 31997/10/01English
A new direction on constructing irreducible polynomials over finite fields2024/03/01English
Local permutation polynomials and the action of e-Klenian groups2023/10/01English
Maximal curves and Tate-Shafarevich results for quartic and sextic twists2023/10/01English
Newton polygon of L function of x + λx−1 + μx2023/10/01English
Optimal plane curves of degree q − 1 over a finite field2023/10/01English
The number of rational points of a class of superelliptic curves2023/10/01English
Large blocking sets in PG(2,q2)2023/03/01English
Editorial BoardEnglish
Iterative constructions of irreducible polynomials from isogeniesEnglish
The p-rank of curves of Fermat typeEnglish
Weight distribution of double cyclic codes over Fq+uFq2024/03/01English
Construction of ε-ASIC-POVMs via 2-to-1 PN functions and the Li bound2024/03/01English
Construction of highly nonlinear permutations on Z2p with differential uniformity at most 82023/12/01English
Transformations for Appell series over finite fields and traces of Frobenius for elliptic curves2023/12/01English
Girth of the algebraic bipartite graph D(k,q)2023/12/01English
Certain diagonal equations and conflict-avoiding codes of prime lengths2023/12/01English
On the number of irreducible factors with a given multiplicity in function fields2023/12/01English
Singleton-optimal LRCs and perfect LRCs via cyclic and constacyclic codes2023/10/01English