Lesbian and Gay Elders and Long-Term Care: Identifying the Unique Psychosocial Perspectives and Challenges | 2010/07/08 | English | 121 |
Creating a Vision for the Future: Key Competencies and Strategies for Culturally Competent Practice With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Older Adults in the Health and Human Services | 2014/05/05 | English | 114 |
Awareness of LGBT Aging Issues Among Aging Services Network Providers | 2011/10/01 | English | 103 |
The Digital Exclusion of Older Adults during the COVID-19 Pandemic | 2020/05/13 | English | 99 |
Long-term Care in China: Issues and Prospects | 2012/10/01 | English | 86 |
Correlates of, and Barriers to, Internet Use Among Older Adults | 2014/12/01 | English | 76 |
Intergenerational Programs for Persons With Dementia: A Scoping Review | 2015/03/06 | English | 63 |
Social Support, Caregiver Burden, and Life Satisfaction in a Sample of Rural African American and White Caregivers of Older Persons With Dementia | 2010/03/29 | English | 60 |
“Fear Runs Deep:” The Anticipated Needs of LGBT Older Adults in Long-Term Care | 2018/08/13 | English | 59 |
The Heterogeneity of Socially Isolated Older Adults: A Social Isolation Typology | 2015/01/14 | English | 58 |
Use of an Online Community to Provide Support to Caregivers of People With Dementia | 2014/07/29 | English | 55 |
Long-Distance Caregiving: A Systematic Review of the Literature | 2012/11/01 | English | 54 |
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy With Older Adults: An Exploratory Study | 2014/06/24 | English | 54 |
Assessment of a Brief CES-D Measure for Depression in Homebound Medically Ill Older Adults | 2010/04/30 | English | 52 |
What Is Known About Dementia Care Recipient Violence and Aggression Against Caregivers? | 2014/06/24 | English | 50 |
Racial Differences in Attitudes Toward Professional Mental Health Treatment: The Mediating Effect of Stigma | 2009/09/24 | English | 49 |
Comparing Supports for LGBT Aging in Rural Versus Urban Areas | 2013/02/01 | English | 48 |
Unique Challenges of Transgender Aging: Implications From the Literature | 2009/07/21 | English | 48 |
Grandparenting in the 21st Century: Issues of Diversity in Grandparent–Grandchild Relationships | 2010/10/28 | English | 46 |
Sharing Meals With Institutionalized People With Dementia: A Natural Experiment | 2010/07/08 | English | 46 |
Alzheimer's Aggression: Influences on Caregiver Coping and Resilience | 2011/03/31 | English | 43 |
Hardiness, Successful Aging, and HIV: Implications for Social Work | 2008/08/14 | English | 43 |
Unmet Needs and Depressive Symptoms Among Low-Income Older Adults | 2009/07/21 | English | 43 |
Caregiving in Times of Uncertainty: Helping Adult Children of Aging Parents Find Support during the COVID-19 Outbreak | 2020/05/25 | English | 43 |
Fighting COVID-19: Fear and Internal Conflict among Older Adults in Ghana | 2020/06/19 | English | 43 |
It Takes a Village: Community Practice, Social Work, and Aging-in-Place | 2011/07/01 | English | 42 |
Training, Geography, and Provision of Aging Services to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Older Adults | 2012/07/01 | English | 41 |
Financial Abuse in Elderly Korean Immigrants: Mixed Analysis of the Role of Culture on Perception and Help-Seeking Intention | 2009/06/24 | English | 41 |
The Forgotten: Dementia and the Aging LGBT Community | 2014/09/24 | English | 41 |
“They Just Don’t Have a Clue”: Transgender Aging and Implications for Social Work | 2014/05/05 | English | 41 |