Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Bubbling solutions for the Liouville equation around a quantized singularity in symmetric domains2021/01/01English
Classification of solutions to a system of n^{\rm th} order equations on \mathbb R^n2020/01/01English
Low regularity a priori estimates for the fourth order cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation2020/01/01English
An optimal osmotic control problem for a concrete dam system2021/01/01
Forward-backward approximation of nonlinear semigroups in finite and infinite horizon2021/01/01
The interior gradient estimate of prescribed Hessian quotient curvature equation in the hyperbolic space2021/01/01
Compactness of the complex Green operator on non-pseudoconvex CR manifolds2021/01/01
Exponential stability for a transmission problem of a nonlinear viscoelastic wave equation2021/01/01
Fractional oscillon equations; solvability and connection with classical oscillon equations2021/01/01
A degenerate elliptic problem from subsonic-sonic flows in convergent nozzles2021/01/01
Global well-posedness for effectively damped wave models with nonlinear memory2021/01/01
On problems with weighted elliptic operator and general growth nonlinearities2021/01/01
Discrete diffusion semigroups associated with Jacobi-Dunkl and exceptional Jacobi polynomials2021/01/01
Preface: Special issue in honor of Professor Shuxing Chen on the occasion of his 80th birthday2021/01/01
Multiple Jacobian equations2014/01/01English
The estimate of the multi-scale homogenization method for Green's function on Sobolev space $W^{1,q}(\Omega)$2012/01/01English
One dimensional symmetry of solutions to some anisotropic quasilinear elliptic equations in the plane2012/01/01English
A representational formula for variational solutions to Hamilton-Jacobi equations2012/01/01English
Schauder type estimates of linearized Mullins-Sekerka problem2012/01/01English
Multiple solutions of second-order ordinary differential equation via Morse theory2012/01/01English
The non-linear Schrödinger equation with non-periodic potential: infinite-bump solutions and non-degeneracy2012/01/01English
The dynamics of small amplitude solutions of the Swift-Hohenberg equation on a large interval2012/01/01English
Global solutions to quasilinear wave equations in homogeneous waveguides with Neumann boundary conditions2012/01/01English
Bernstein estimates: weakly coupled systems and integral equations2012/01/01English
Exponential return times in a zero-entropy process2012/01/01English
Existence of traveling waves with transition layers for some degenerate cross-diffusion systems2012/01/01English
Sign-changing solutions to elliptic problems with two critical Sobolev-Hardy exponents2015/01/01English
On the asymptotic stability of Volterra functional equations with vanishing delays2015/01/01English
Mean oscillation and boundedness of Toeplitz Type operators associated to pseudo-differential operators2015/01/01English
A note on the Monge-Kantorovich problem in the plane2015/01/01English