Pattern Analysis and Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
CABF-YOLO: a precise and efficient deep learning method for defect detection on strip steel surface2024/04/03English
A weakly supervised end-to-end framework for semantic segmentation of cancerous area in whole slide image2024/04/02English
Expanded relative density peak clustering for image segmentation2023/09/27English
A semantic-aware monocular projection model for accurate pose measurement2023/10/07English
Adaptive frequency-based fully hyperbolic graph neural networks2023/10/07English
EMTNet: efficient mobile transformer network for real-time monocular depth estimation2023/10/07English
Unsupervised multimodal learning for image-text relation classification in tweets2023/10/10English
Bel: Batch Equalization Loss for scene graph generation2023/10/10English
Saliency information and mosaic based data augmentation method for densely occluded object recognition2024/03/29English
Scene text detection using structured information and an end-to-end trainable generative adversarial networks2024/03/19English
Understanding the limitations of self-supervised learning for tabular anomaly detection2024/03/12English
DA-ResNet: dual-stream ResNet with attention mechanism for classroom video summary2024/03/14English
A novel model for fall detection and action recognition combined lightweight 3D-CNN and convolutional LSTM networks2024/02/15English
Feature enhancement modules applied to a feature pyramid network for object detection2023/02/16English
Feature selection using max dynamic relevancy and min redundancy2023/02/17English
Distinguishing between Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis using deep learning models with interpretability2024/01/25English
Body condition scoring network based on improved YOLOX2023/07/01English
Hybrid two-stage cascade for instance segmentation of overlapping objects2023/06/29English
Multiple kernel k-means clustering with block diagonal property2023/07/11English
Prioritized air light and transmittance extraction (PATE) using dual weighted deep channel and spatial attention based model for image dehazing2023/07/08English
MVDet: multi-view multi-class object detection without ground plane assumption2023/06/13English
High-recall calibration monitoring for stereo cameras2024/04/13English
Spatio-temporal trajectory data modeling for fishing gear classification2024/04/15English
Domain-free fire detection using the spatial–temporal attention transform of the YOLO backbone2024/04/23English
Block-wise imputation EM algorithm in multi-source scenario: ADNI case2024/04/22English
Cotton crop classification using satellite images with score level fusion based hybrid model2024/04/16English
CInf-FS$$_S$$: an efficient infinite feature selection method using K-means clustering to partition large feature spaces2023/08/14English
ViT-PGC: vision transformer for pedestrian gender classification on small-size dataset2023/09/26English
AdaHOSVD: an adaptive higher-order singular value decomposition method for point cloud denoising2023/08/09English
The improved deep plug-and-play super-resolution with residual-in-residual dense block for arbitrary blur kernels2023/09/12English