Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Deep-Water Ophiuroids (Echinodermata) Associated with Anthozoans and Hexactinellid Sponges from Northern Chile2017/08/15English4
Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages in the Pahang River Delta (Pahang, Malaysia)2017/08/25English4
Bio-Ecology of the Oldest Lessepsian Fish Atherinomorus forskalii (Pisces: Atherinidae)2020/05/26English4
Trace Metal Concentrations in the Seston of the Gulf of İskenderun (Turkey, North-Eastern Mediterranean)2019/08/17English4
Spatial Variations in the Stocks of Randall’s Threadfin Bream, Nemipterus randalli Russell 1986 Along the Indian Coast Inferred Using Body and Otolith Shape Analysis2021/05/27English4
Northernmost Occurrence of Zanclus cornutus (Zanclidae) in the Eastern Pacific (Northern Gulf of California, Mexico)2018/01/08English4
Spatiotemporal Variability of the Catch Composition and Discards Estimates of the Different Methods of Onboard Preservation for the Brazilian Sardine Fishery in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean2022/02/03English4
Length–Weight Relationships of Eighteen Fishes and a Cephalopod from Gökçeada Island, Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey2022/02/03English4
Effects of Dietary Protein Levels on Growth, Nutritional Utilization, Carcass Composition and Survival of Asian Seabass Lates Calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) Fingerlings Rearing in Net Cages2021/11/02English4
The Application of Erythromycin, Elbayou, and Rica-1 Probiotic in the Rearing of Scylla paramamosain Mud Crab Larvae Development into the Crablet Stage2021/08/16English4
Acute Toxicity of Mercury and Nervous Tissue Damage in Postlarvae and Juveniles of Litopenaeus vannamei2018/06/04English4
Report of a Zoanthus Zone from the Cabo Verde Islands (Central Eastern Atlantic)2018/07/10English4
First record of parasitic isopod Mothocya melanosticta (Schiödte and Meinert, 1884) (Isopoda: Cymothoidae) on blue flying fish Exocoetus volitans and Indian sardine Sardinella sindensis from the southeast coast of India.2018/08/15English4
Redescription of Elthusa sinuata (Koelbel, 1879) Comb.Nov. (Isopoda, Cymothoidae) Parasitizing the Red Bandfish in Turkey2018/02/15English4
First Record of Tylosurus crocodilus (Péron & Lesueur, 1821) (Beloniformes: Belonidae) from Odisha Coast, Bay of Bengal, India: Exploration of a Biological Invasion Using DNA Barcoding2017/10/03English4
Experimental Researches on Pulse Plasma Discharge for Deep-Ocean Thin-Layer Mineral Resources Crushing2019/05/09English4
Distribution Pattern of Diatom Flora in the Surface Sediments of Bardawil Lagoon (North Sinai), Egypt2019/07/16English4
Distribution of the Invasive Caprellid Caprella scaura (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Cádiz Marina, Southern Spain: Implications for its Dispersal2017/05/24English4
Growth Properties of Pseudorasbora parva in Süreyyabey Reservoir: Traditional and Artificial Intelligent Methods2020/01/14English4
The Littoral Bottoms of Benidorm Island (Western Mediterranean Sea): Eco-Sedimentological Characterization Through Benthic Foraminifera2016/08/31English4
Potential of Marine Seaweeds for Bioactive Compounds: a Comprehensive Analysis of Padina australis Biomass2022/05/06English3
Infection of Mytilus Galloprovincialis By the Trematode Parvatrema Sp. (Digenea: Gymnophallidae) in the Middle Adriatic Sea, Croatia2022/02/28English3
Length–weight Relationship (LWR) and Condition Factor (K) of a Deepsea Shrimp Heterocarpus chani Li, 2006 (Decapoda: Caridea: Pandalidae) from Southern Coast of Indian EEZ2021/11/09English3
DNA Barcoding of Commercially Important Trevallies, Carangoides spp. (Carangiformes: Carangidae): A Baseline Report of Species from Malaysia2022/01/28English3
Length–Weight Relationships of Elasmobranch Species From Gökçeada Island in the Northern Aegean Sea2021/09/10English3
Eastern Tropical Atlantic Mixed Layer Depth: Assessment of Methods from In Situ Profiles in the Gulf of Guinea from Coastal to High Sea2019/12/16English3
Atmospheric Influence Over the Residence Time in the Bahia Blanca Estuary, Argentina2018/11/23English3
Towards Sustainable Mariculture: some Global Trends2020/05/09English3
On the presence of the Eastern Pacific Black Ghostshark Hydrolagus melanophasma (Chondrichthyes: Chimaeridae) in northern Chile, with notes on its distribution in the Eastern Pacific2020/05/12English3
Influence of Lead on Reproductive Physiology and Gonad and Liver Histology of Female Cyprinus carpio2020/07/02English3