The Open Journal of Astrophysics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Importance Nested Sampling and the MultiNest Algorithm2019/11/27370
The First Three Seconds: a Review of Possible Expansion Histories of the Early Universe2021/01/29118
A Detailed Description of the CAMSPEC Likelihood Pipeline and a Reanalysis of the Planck High Frequency Maps2021/08/1729
The Formation of Very Massive Stars in Early Galaxies and Implications for Intermediate Mass Black Holes2020/12/2125
Full-sky photon simulation of clusters and active galactic nuclei in the soft X-rays for eROSITA2020/12/0924
The search for statistical anisotropy in the gravitational-wave background with pulsar timing arrays2019/09/2319
Low-scatter galaxy cluster mass proxies for the eROSITA all-sky survey2020/09/1018
DES Y3 + KiDS-1000: Consistent cosmology combining cosmic shear surveys2023/10/2016
A Differentiable Model of the Assembly of Individual and Populations of Dark Matter Halos2021/07/3010
The Cosmic Graph: Optimal Information Extraction from Large-Scale Structure using Catalogues2022/12/2310
An independent assessment of significance of annual modulation in COSINE-100 data2019/12/119
Validating Synthetic Galaxy Catalogs for Dark Energy Science in the LSST Era2022/01/179
Black Hole Shadow Drift and Photon Ring Frequency Drift2021/09/148
Source Distributions of Cosmic Shear Surveys in Efficiency Space2020/06/248
Assessing non-linear models for galaxy clustering I: unbiased growth forecasts from multipole expansion2019/11/19English8
Wide Binaries from GAIA EDR3: preference for GR over MOND?2023/02/028
It takes two to know one: computing accurate one-point PDF covariances from effective two-point PDF models2023/01/048
Squeezing the Axion2021/09/287
Massive Star Formation in Metal-Enriched Haloes at High Redshift2020/08/247
Differentiable Predictions for Large Scale Structure with SHAMNet2022/02/187
The LSST-DESC 3x2pt Tomography Optimization Challenge2021/10/197
Two-photon amplitude interferometry for precision astrometry2022/11/017
The fastest stars in the Galaxy2023/07/276
Dwarfs from the Dark (Energy Survey): a machine learning approach to classify dwarf galaxies from multi-band images2021/03/236
Low-scatter galaxy cluster mass proxies for the eROSITA all-sky survey2020/09/106
The halo model for cosmology: a pedagogical review2023/11/076
The impact of signal-to-noise, redshift, and angular range on the bias of weak lensing 2-point functions2020/09/295
A Bayesian Approach to the Vertical Structure of the Disk of the Milky Way2020/06/235
Cosmology with 6 parameters in the Stage-IV era: efficient marginalisation over nuisance parameters2023/07/175
Calculation of distances in cosmological models with small-scale inhomogeneities and their use in observational cosmology: a review2020/01/075