International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Self‐segregation or self‐preservation? A critical race theory and Latina/o critical theory analysis of a study of Chicana/o college students2003/09/01English112
Freeing ourselves from neo-colonial domination in research: A Maori approach to creating knowledge1998/04/01English110
Poststructuralist approaches to empirical analysis2002/03/01English108
Critical narrative analysis: the interplay of critical discourse and narrative analyses2012/12/03English106
The development of an efficient technique for collecting and analyzing qualitative data: The analysis of critical incidents2001/05/01English106
‘A friend who understand fully’: notes on humanizing research in a multiethnic youth community2011/03/01English104
Diffraction or reflection? Sketching the contours of two methodologies in educational research2016/06/30English104
Posthumanism as research methodology: inquiry in the Anthropocene2017/06/12English101
‘You make me wanna holler and throw up both my hands!’: campus culture, Black misandric microaggressions, and racial battle fatigue2016/09/14English99
Engaging whiteness: How racial power gets reified in education2003/01/01English97
Getting personal: Writing-stories2001/01/01English96
A postmodernist critique of research interviewing1995/07/01English95
Navigating marginality en route to the professoriate: graduate students of color learning and living in academia2004/03/01English94
Toward an epistemology of a brown body2001/09/01English94
Beyond teacher cognition and teacher beliefs: the value of the ethnography of emotions in teaching2005/07/01English93
“The question of belief”: writing poststructural ethnography1995/07/01English91
On the utility of Asian critical (AsianCrit) theory in the field of education2018/11/26English91
Three principles of Serendip: insight, chance, and discovery in qualitative research1996/10/01English90
Neoliberalism and the demise of public education: the corporatization of schools of education2012/06/01English88
Toward a critical multiracial theory in education2016/04/07English81
Writing critical race theory and method: a composite counterstory on the experiences of black teachers in New Orleans post-Katrina2013/11/01English79
Performing motherhood in a disablist world: dilemmas of motherhood, femininity and disability2009/01/01English79
Exploiting the margins in higher education: a collaborative autoethnography of three foreign-born female faculty of color2014/07/14English79
‘Every good‐bye ain’t gone’: analyzing the cultural underpinnings of classroom talk2006/05/01English78
Gangstas, Wankstas, and Ridas: defining, developing, and supporting effective teachers in urban schools2007/11/01English78
Life history methodology: "narradigm" regained2000/09/01English76
Self‐doubt and soft data: social and technical trajectories in ethnographic fieldwork1990/04/01English76
Teachers’ lives, critical incidents, and professional practice1994/01/01English75
'Race is race ain't': An exploration of the utility of critical race theory in qualitative research in education1998/01/01English75
Identity management strategies among lesbian and gay educators1991/07/01English73