Journal of Public Economics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Self-selection and Pareto efficient taxation1982/03/01English408
Economic competition among jurisdictions: efficiency enhancing or distortion inducing?1988/04/01English401
Do countries compete over corporate tax rates?2008/06/01English391
Incentives and incomplete information1979/02/01English391
Effluent charges and licenses under uncertainty1976/04/01English386
Trust and compliance to public health policies in times of COVID-192020/12/01English385
Biased perceptions of income distribution and preferences for redistribution: Evidence from a survey experiment2013/02/01English380
The impact of COVID-19 on student experiences and expectations: Evidence from a survey2020/11/01English377
Are there civic returns to education?2004/08/01English375
The reliability of subjective well-being measures2008/08/01English368
Accountability, incentives and behavior: the impact of high-stakes testing in the Chicago Public Schools2005/06/01English368
International profit shifting within multinationals: A multi-country perspective2008/06/01English361
The behavioralist as tax collector: Using natural field experiments to enhance tax compliance2017/04/01English360
Corruption perceptions vs. corruption reality2009/08/01English359
The economics of corruption1975/02/01English357
The effect of pollution on labor supply: Evidence from a natural experiment in Mexico City2015/02/01English354
Voting over income tax schedules1977/12/01English345
Retailing public goods: The economics of corporate social responsibility2007/09/01English335
Nash equilibria in models of fiscal competition1988/03/01English333
Strategic environmental policy and intrenational trade1994/07/01English325
The demand for tax haven operations2006/02/01English324
Property rights for the poor: Effects of land titling2010/10/01English323
Demand for collective goods in private nonprofit markets: Can fundraising expenditures help overcome free-rider behavior?1986/06/01English320
COVID-19, lockdowns and well-being: Evidence from Google Trends2021/01/01English319
A complete solution to a class of principal-agent problems with an application to the control of a self-managed firm1984/12/01English316
The marginal utility of income2008/08/01English307
The effects of generalized school choice on achievement and stratification: Evidence from Chile's voucher program2006/09/01English303
Environmental regulations and manufacturers' location choices: Evidence from the Census of Manufactures1996/10/01English299
Human mobility restrictions and the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in China2020/11/01English294
Is there a daily discount rate? Evidence from the food stamp nutrition cycle2005/02/01English293