Measurement Instruments for the Anthropomorphism, Animacy, Likeability, Perceived Intelligence, and Perceived Safety of Robots | 2008/11/20 | English | 872 |
Assessing Acceptance of Assistive Social Agent Technology by Older Adults: the Almere Model | 2010/09/04 | English | 477 |
Acceptance of Healthcare Robots for the Older Population: Review and Future Directions | 2009/10/03 | English | 352 |
Social Robots for Long-Term Interaction: A Survey | 2013/01/25 | English | 279 |
A Cross-cultural Study: Effect of Robot Appearance and Task | 2010/05/13 | English | 231 |
Why Robots? A Survey on the Roles and Benefits of Social Robots in the Therapy of Children with Autism | 2013/08/03 | English | 225 |
The Role of Healthcare Robots for Older People at Home: A Review | 2014/07/03 | English | 200 |
Anthropomorphism: Opportunities and Challenges in Human–Robot Interaction | 2014/11/09 | English | 191 |
Keepon | 2008/11/19 | English | 182 |
The Benefits of Interactions with Physically Present Robots over Video-Displayed Agents | 2010/10/16 | English | 137 |
To Err is Human(-like): Effects of Robot Gesture on Perceived Anthropomorphism and Likability | 2013/05/31 | English | 133 |
Blurring Human–Machine Distinctions: Anthropomorphic Appearance in Social Robots as a Threat to Human Distinctiveness | 2016/01/18 | English | 125 |
An Experimental Study on Emotional Reactions Towards a Robot | 2012/11/14 | English | 125 |
Toward Acceptable Domestic Robots: Applying Insights from Social Psychology | 2008/11/18 | English | 124 |
A Systematic Review of Attitudes, Anxiety, Acceptance, and Trust Towards Social Robots | 2020/06/03 | English | 120 |
From Proxemics Theory to Socially-Aware Navigation: A Survey | 2014/09/18 | English | 119 |
Social Acceptance of Robots in Different Occupational Fields: A Systematic Literature Review | 2017/12/06 | English | 117 |
Making Social Robots More Attractive: The Effects of Voice Pitch, Humor and Empathy | 2013/01/16 | English | 108 |
Domestic Robots for Older Adults: Attitudes, Preferences, and Potential | 2013/12/20 | English | 107 |
The Role of Affective Touch in Human-Robot Interaction: Human Intent and Expectations in Touching the Haptic Creature | 2011/12/24 | English | 106 |
Empathic Robots for Long-term Interaction | 2014/03/23 | English | 105 |
Towards a Theory of Longitudinal Trust Calibration in Human–Robot Teams | 2019/11/23 | English | 105 |
Robots in Society, Society in Robots | 2010/10/22 | English | 104 |
How Robots Influence Humans: A Survey of Nonverbal Communication in Social Human–Robot Interaction | 2019/01/29 | English | 96 |
Does the Robot Have a Mind? Mind Perception and Attitudes Towards Robots Predict Use of an Eldercare Robot | 2013/04/23 | English | 96 |
Are Robots Ready to Deliver Autism Interventions? A Comprehensive Review | 2016/03/16 | English | 94 |
Review: Seven Matters of Concern of Social Robots and Older People | 2014/01/29 | English | 91 |
Evaluating the Engagement with Social Robots | 2015/04/17 | English | 91 |
Measuring the Uncanny Valley Effect | 2016/10/28 | English | 90 |
Socially Adaptive Path Planning in Human Environments Using Inverse Reinforcement Learning | 2015/06/20 | English | 87 |