Transactions of the ASABE

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A History of Air-Blast Sprayer Development and Future Prospects2008/01/01English60
Development of a Variable-Rate Sprayer with Laser Scanning Sensor to Synchronize Spray Outputs to Tree Structures2012/01/01English60
Particulate Matter Emitted from Poultry and Pig Houses: Source Identification and Quantification2011/01/01English58
Methane Emissions from Manure Storages2008/01/01English57
Soil Water Extraction Patterns and Crop, Irrigation, and Evapotranspiration Water Use Efficiency of Maize under Full and Limited Irrigation and Rainfed Settings2012/01/01English57
Assessing Multiple Quality Attributes of Peaches Using Optical Absorption and Scattering Properties2012/01/01English57
Crop Residue Cover Effects on Evaporation, Soil Water Content, and Yield of Deficit-Irrigated Corn in West-Central Nebraska2010/01/01English57
Determining Nutrient and Sediment Critical Source Areas with SWAT: Effect of Lumped Calibration2011/01/01English56
CoupModel: Model Use, Calibration, and Validation2012/01/01English56
Spray Characteristics and Drift Reduction Potential with Air Induction and Conventional Flat-Fan Nozzles2007/01/01English56
Process Modeling of Ammonia Volatilization from Ammonium Solution and Manure Surfaces: A Review with Recommended Models2009/01/01English56
Spectral Absorption and Scattering Properties of Normal and Bruised Apple Tissue2010/01/01English54
Use of Global Sensitivity Analysis for CROPGRO Cotton Model Development2007/01/01English53
Ammonia Emissions from Twelve U.S. Broiler Chicken Houses2006/01/01English53
Differentiating Impacts of Land Use Changes from Pasture Management in a CEAP Watershed Using the SWAT Model2010/01/01English53
Modeling Nutrient Runoff Yields from Combined In-Field Crop Management Practices Using SWAT2010/01/01English53
Wavelength Identification and Diffuse Reflectance Estimation for Surface and Profile Soil Properties2009/01/01English53
Early Detection of Botrytis cinerea on Eggplant Leaves Based on Visible and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy2008/01/01English52
Remote Sensing Based Energy Balance Algorithms for Mapping ET: Current Status and Future Challenges2007/01/01English52
Simulating Ephemeral Gully Erosion in AnnAGNPS2007/01/01English52
Influences of Potential Evapotranspiration Estimation Methods on SWAT's Hydrologic Simulation in a Northwestern Minnesota Watershed2006/01/01English51
Evaluation of Grape Quality Parameters by a Simple Vis/NIR System2010/01/01English51
Sweating Rates of Dairy Cows and Beef Heifers in Hot Conditions2008/01/01English51
MACRO (v5.2): Model Use, Calibration, and Validation2012/01/01English51
Modeling Flow and Pollutant Transport in a Karst Watershed with SWAT2009/01/01English51
Integrated Extraction and Anaerobic Digestion Process for Recovery of Nutraceuticals and Biogas from Pomegranate Marc2009/01/01English50
Prediction of Apple Internal Quality Using Spectral Absorption and Scattering Properties2009/01/01English50
Inverse-Dispersion Calculation of Ammonia Emissions from Wisconsin Dairy Farms2009/01/01English50