Oncology Nursing Forum

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Use of Triangulation in Qualitative Research2014/08/2642
Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses in the United States and Canada2016/07/017
Methods and Meanings: Credibility and Trustworthiness of Qualitative Research2013/12/247
Assessing Nurses' Attitudes Toward Death and Caring for Dying Patients in a Comprehensive Cancer Center2008/11/015
The Symptom Cluster of Fatigue, Pain, Anxiety, and Depression and the Effect on the Quality of Life of Women Receiving Treatment for Breast Cancer: A Multicenter Study2009/07/015
One Step at a Time: Self-Management and Transitions Among Women With Ovarian Cancer2012/06/295
Assessing the Impact of Acupuncture on Pain, Nausea, Anxiety, and Coping in Women Undergoing a Mastectomy2016/11/015
Burden and Depression Among Caregivers of Patients With Cancer at the End of Life2004/11/015
Post-Treatment Symptoms Among Ethnic Minority Breast Cancer Survivors2005/01/015
Virtual Reality: A Distraction Intervention for Chemotherapy2007/01/015
Evaluation of Online Learning Modules for Improving Physical Activity Counseling Skills, Practices, and Knowledge of Oncology Nurses2017/11/015
Proinflammatory Cytokines and Sickness Behavior: Implications for Depression and Cancer-Related Symptoms2008/09/014
Quality of Life, Social Support, and Uncertainty Among Latina Breast Cancer Survivors2008/09/014
Evaluation of a Compassion Fatigue Resiliency Program for Oncology Nurses2013/02/284
Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses2015/09/014
Gender Differences in Quality of Life Among Long-Term Colorectal Cancer Survivors With Ostomies2011/08/274
Effects of Distraction Using Virtual Reality Glasses During Lumbar Punctures in Adolescents With Cancer2002/01/014
Self-Care Strategies to Cope With Taste Changes After Chemotherapy2009/03/014
Development and Testing of the Oncology Patients' Perceptions of the Quality of Nursing Care Scale2003/01/013
Facilitation of Self-Transcendence in a Breast Cancer Support Group: II2003/01/013
Sources of Social Support: Adolescents With Cancer2002/01/013
Virtual Reality as a Distraction Intervention for Women Receiving Chemotherapy2004/01/013
Subgroups of Patients With Cancer With Different Symptom Experiences and Quality-of-Life Outcomes: A Cluster Analysis2006/01/013
Understanding the Moral Distress of Nurses Witnessing Medically Futile Care2006/01/013
Symptom Concerns and Quality of Life in Hepatobiliary Cancers2008/05/013
Confronting the Unexpected: Temporal, Situational, and Attributive Dimensions of Distressing Symptom Experience for Breast Cancer Survivors2009/12/313
Conditions and Consequences of a <i>BRCA</i> Mutation in Young, Single Women of Childbearing Age2010/08/263
Outcomes of an Uncertainty Management Intervention in Younger African American and Caucasian Breast Cancer Survivors2012/12/263
Identification of Barriers to Sexual Health Assessment in Oncology Nursing Practice2010/05/013
Measuring Stigma in People With Lung Cancer: Psychometric Testing of the Cataldo Lung Cancer Stigma Scale2010/12/243