Energy Research & Social Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Typology of future clean energy communities: An exploratory structure, opportunities, and challenges2018/01/01English187
The emerging field of energy transitions: Progress, challenges, and opportunities2014/03/01English187
The psychology of participation and interest in smart energy systems: Comparing the value-belief-norm theory and the value-identity-personal norm model2016/12/01English186
Ideology, capitalism, and climate: Explaining public views about climate change in the United States2016/11/01English185
When pandemics impact economies and climate change: Exploring the impacts of COVID-19 on oil and electricity demand in China2020/10/01English183
Who are the victims of low-carbon transitions? Towards a political ecology of climate change mitigation2021/03/01English182
Policy packaging or policy patching? The development of complex energy efficiency policy mixes2017/01/01English182
The politics of accelerating low-carbon transitions: Towards a new research agenda2018/10/01English179
Governing for sustainable energy system change: Politics, contexts and contingency2016/02/01English179
Conceptual and empirical advances in analysing policy mixes for energy transitions2017/11/01English178
Why do homeowners renovate energy efficiently? Contrasting perspectives and implications for policy2015/05/01English177
Analysis of the electricity demand trends amidst the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic2020/10/01English171
Narrating expectations for the circular economy: Towards a common and contested European transition2017/09/01English170
Industrial decarbonization via hydrogen: A critical and systematic review of developments, socio-technical systems and policy options2021/10/01English170
Just transition: A conceptual review2021/12/01English164
Individual and household interactions with energy systems: Toward integrated understanding2014/03/01English164
Setting energy justice apart from the crowd: Lessons from environmental and climate justice2018/05/01English162
Of renewable energy, energy democracy, and sustainable development: A roadmap to accelerate the energy transition in developing countries2020/12/01English161
Framing energy justice: perspectives from activism and advocacy2016/01/01English159
Socio-energy systems design: A policy framework for energy transitions2015/03/01English158
Towards a cross-paradigmatic framework of the social acceptance of energy systems2015/07/01English158
More than filler: Middle actors and socio-technical change in the energy system from the “middle-out”2014/09/01English155
Renewable energy for whom? A global systematic review of the environmental justice implications of renewable energy technologies2021/01/01English148
Historical energy transitions: Speed, prices and system transformation2016/12/01English148
The role of narratives in socio-technical transitions—Fukushima and the energy regimes of Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom2016/01/01English144
Embodied energy injustices: Unveiling and politicizing the transboundary harms of fossil fuel extractivism and fossil fuel supply chains2019/02/01English144
Advancing an energy justice perspective of fuel poverty: Household vulnerability and domestic retrofit policy in the United Kingdom2017/07/01English144
What opportunities could the COVID-19 outbreak offer for sustainability transitions research on electricity and mobility?2020/10/01English144
The impact of different COVID-19 containment measures on electricity consumption in Europe2020/10/01English143
Imagining energy futures: Sociotechnical imaginaries of the future Smart Grid in Norway2015/09/01English143