Energy Research & Social Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Acceptance dynamics of innovation diffusion: A heuristic framework for analysing actor reorientations in sustainability transitions2024/05/01English
Do laundry when the sun shines: Factors that promote loadshifting in Dutch households with solar panelsEnglish
“The ketchup effect”: Challenges in reconciling growth and justice in Northern Sweden's green transitionEnglish
Struggles over solar in the United States: Oppositional coalitions and the limits of territorial resentmentEnglish
Greenwashing, net-zero, and the oil sands in Canada: The case of Pathways AllianceEnglish
People of the sun: Local resistance and solar energy (in)justice in southern PortugalEnglish
“People always think it's going to explode”: Emotions and power relations in the French nuclear debateEnglish
Blame over blackouts: Correcting partisan misinformation regarding renewable energy in the United StatesEnglish
Coupling fire and energy in the Anthropocene: Deploying scale to analyze social vulnerability to forced electricity outages in CaliforniaEnglish
Energy systems for Brazil's Amazon: Could renewable energy improve Indigenous livelihoods and save forest ecosystems?English
Bringing light, connectivity and waste to local communities: A study of the post-consumption value chain for off-grid solar devices in KenyaEnglish
Comfort or cash? Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic's impact on energy insecurity and energy limiting behavior in householdsEnglish
The energy quadrilemma challenges - Insights from the decentralized energy transition in BrazilEnglish
The electric vehicle transition: A blessing or a curse for improving extractive industries and mineral supply chains?English
Keeping the rebound and energy poverty at bay: A novel tariff structure for the United Kingdom's residential sectorEnglish
Emerging challenges of offshore wind energy in the Global South: Perspectives from BrazilEnglish
Australian microgrids: Navigating complexity in the regional energy transitionEnglish
The politics of assembling pilots: Policy networks and selection strategies in top-down climate experimentationEnglish
Greenhouse gas neutrality: A qualitative analysis of perceived sustainability tensions in the German chemical industryEnglish
Everyday domestic water and energy consumption in Shanghai homes: The resurgence and persistence of gendered practices in China2024/01/01English
Proactive understanding of the multi-level stakeholder acceptance of a novel renewable energy technology: Chemical storage of solar energy2024/02/01English
Editorial Board2023/12/01English
Where is ‘the local’ in localization? Exploring socio-technical and spatial visions of energy system decarbonization in South Wales2024/01/01English
Motivation for households' investment in photovoltaics in Czechia: An exploratory factor analysis2023/12/01English
Acceptance in progress: Navigating the transition of nuclear power perception from a long-term study in China2024/01/01English
Unveiling resistance and opposition against low-carbon energy transitions: A comprehensive review2024/01/01English
Can renewable energy work for rural societies? Exploring productive use, institutions, support systems, and trust for solar electricity in the Navajo Nation2024/01/01English
Measuring success: Evaluating the business model of rural mini-grid ecosystems2023/12/01English
Strategic options for building a new electricity grid in South Sudan: The challenges of a new post-conflict nation2024/03/01English
“I can feel the money going out of the window”: How high energy prices evoke negative emotions in people with previous experience of homelessness2024/02/01English