Applied Mathematics and Computation

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Vertex degree sums for supereulerian bipartite digraphsEnglish
Reputation-dependent social learning on the evolution of cooperation in spatial public goods gamesEnglish
A novel observer-based neural-network finite-time output control for high-order uncertain nonlinear systemsEnglish
Harmonic signed treesEnglish
Stability analysis of Clifford-valued memristor-based neural networks with impulsive disturbances and its application to image encryptionEnglish
Composite adaptive exponential tracking control for large-scale nonlinear systems with sensor faultsEnglish
A second-order linear and unconditional energy-stable scheme for Swift-Hohenberg equationsEnglish
The use of entropy of recurrence microstates and artificial intelligence to detect cardiac arrhythmia in ECG recordsEnglish
Stability of switched neutral stochastic functional systems with different structures under high nonlinearityEnglish
Sombor index and elliptic Sombor index of benzenoid systemsEnglish
Newborn vaccination game model with potentially periodic behaviorEnglish
A coupled smoothed finite element method and Lagrangian particle tracking model for three-dimensional dilute particle-laden flowsEnglish
Cost function analysis of a single-server queueing system with Poisson input stream and Erlang-k service timeEnglish
Preface and list of lecturers1986/09/01English
New interpolation formulas of using geometric assumptions in the algebraic multigrid method1992/03/01English
Recurrence of transformations with absolutely continuous invariant measures2002/07/01English
Precision controlled trigonometric algorithms1976/01/01English
A method of reconciliation of measured data with nonlinear constraints1992/06/01English
Digital filtering of stochastic-network decision-node noise1978/01/01English
Editorial Board1988/04/01English
On the perturbation of the group inverse and oblique projection1999/01/01English
Propagation of Rayleigh waves in an elastic half-space of orthotropic material1999/03/01English
On Dichotomy and well-conditioning in two-point boundary-value problems1990/08/01English
Existence of h2-expansion for some extrapolation methods for solving autonomous higher order ODEs1993/08/01English
On order-interval methods for bounding zeros of order convex operators1989/07/01English
Toward a theory of living state—Part II1993/07/01English
Minimax control of nonlinear evolution equations1995/03/01English
A series solution for the GVψ0 term of the Born series1994/12/01English
Oscillation theorems for second order neutral functional differential equations1992/10/01English