Der Orthopäde

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Results of microsurgical reconstruction and secondary surgery for obstetric palsies of the brachial plexus1997/08/01English
Indication for lumbosacral fusion and reduction in spondylolisthesis1997/10/01English
Generelles Konzept und Schlußfolgerungen bei der Behandlung geburtstraumatischer Läsionen des Plexus brachialis1997/08/01German
Spondylolisthesis in children and adolescents1997/10/01English
Autologous transplantation and neurolysis of the brachial plexus following trauma1997/07/01English
Arthrodesis of the glenohumeral joint for deltoid palsy1997/07/01English
Lumbar fusion in adults – dorsal or combined arterior/posterior?1997/06/27English
Secondary operation for elbow flexion reconstruction after brachial plexus lesion1997/07/01English
Sagittal profile of the spine in severe spondylolisthesis1997/10/01English
Treatment of the spondylolisthesis.1997/10/01English
Historische Entwicklung der Muskelersatzoperationen bei Armplexuslähmung1997/07/01German
Treatment of pain following traumatic lesions of the brachial plexus1997/07/01English
Tendon transfers in radial nerve palsy1997/08/01English
Standardisation of the evaluation and classification of the clinical features in obstetric palsies1997/08/01English
Clinical experiences in tendon transfers for radial nerve palsy by a new method of Wiedemann1997/08/01English
Postoperative care after muscle transfer operations in arm plexus lesions1997/08/01English
Early microsurgical treatment of obstetrical brachial plexus lesions. Patient selection and results1997/08/01English
Anterior interbody fusion of the lumbar spine1997/06/27English
Tendon transfers in the innervation area of the median nerve in brachial plexus palsy1997/08/01English
Complex injuries of the spine1998/02/06English
Tendon transfer for tardive ulnar nerve palsy1997/08/01English
Anatomie des Armplexus1997/07/01German
Direct repair of spondylolysis with the hook screw1997/10/01English
Neurotization for restoration of arm function in complete cervical root avulsion1997/07/01English
Spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis: correlation with sport1997/10/01English
Trapezius transfer in deltoid paralysis1997/07/01English
Preoperative diagnosis and surgical indication in traumatic injuries of the brachial plexus1997/07/01English
Einmal ist kein mal und zweimal ist einmal zuviel2007/09/15German