Der Orthopäde

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Fully implantable distraction nail for the treatment of shortening deformity and bone defect. Spectrum of indications1999/12/15German
The prognosis of skeletal metastases1998/05/01English
Ankle prostheses. Mid-term results after Thompson-Richards and STAR prostheses1998/03/01English
Die Therapie der kongenitalen Tibiapseudarthrose2000/01/01German
Offene Repositionsverfahren1997/01/30German
Treatment of Pipkin fractures1997/04/01English
Einfluß der Zementiertechnik auf das Zementierergebnis am koxalen Femurende2000/03/24German
New therapeutic strategy for chronifying back pain. The multimodal, interdisciplinary therapeutic program1999/11/01English
To brace or not to brace? How effective are knee braces in rehabilitation?1999/06/01English
Effectiveness of the back school. A review of the results of evidence- based evaluation1999/11/01English
Clinical results of the ARO multicenter study1998/06/01English
New developments in stabilization of dia- and metaphyseal long bone fractures1997/06/01English
Prinzipien der kniegelenknahen Deformitätenkorrektur2000/01/01German
The transfer of the posterior femoral condyle – first results of a salvage operation1999/01/01English
The radiological results of the ARO multicenter study1998/06/01English
Possibilities of gene therapy in traumatic and degenerative lesions of the joints. Current experimental status and preliminary clinical applications1997/06/01English
Klinische und apparative Untersuchung der Halswirbelsäule1996/11/01German
Fractures of the distal radius. Changing therapeutic strategies1999/10/01English
Pathomorphologische Aspekte und Reparaturmechanismen der Femurkopfosteonekrose2000/05/25German
The importance of the distal radioulnar joint for reconstructive procedures in the malunited distal radius fracture1999/10/01English
Surgical treatment of lumbar disc herniation. Indication and methods1999/07/01English
Pathologie der akuten und chronischen Sehnenverletzung2000/03/24German
Experimentelle Untersuchungen an Metall-Metall-Gleitpaarungen und ihre Wertigkeit hinsichtlich eines zu erwartenden In-vivo-Verhaltens1997/02/20German
Approach – related results after acetabular fractures1997/04/01English
Wrist joint arthrodesis. Technique and outcome1999/10/01English
Basic therapy in the treatment of arthritis1998/09/01English
Hüftgelenksluxationen und -frakturen1997/04/01German
Bewährtes erhalten, durch Neues ergänzen...1999/01/01German
Psychosomatic theories of chronic pain1997/06/27English
A new approach to three-dimensional sonographic: representation of the infant hip1997/03/17English