Der Orthopäde

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Totale Kniegelenkrotationsendoprothesen2000/06/19German
Long-term results of joint preserving therapy of osteonecrosis of the femoral head with a vascular pedicled iliac bone graft1998/07/01English
Korrelation Sono und Röntgen1997/01/30German
Nomenclature and classification in orthopaedics1999/03/01English
Medikamentöse Therapie der rheumatoiden Arthritis1999/03/01German
Motion analysis in the context of “whiplash”1998/12/01English
MRT in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of radiocarpal diseases and injuries1999/10/01English
Shift and Tilt of the bony patella in total knee replacement1998/10/01English
Arthroscopic shoulder stabilization Differential treatment strategy with Suretac, Fastak, holmium: YAG laser and electrosurgery1998/09/01English
Post-traumatic pain. Causes and therapeutic concepts1999/06/01English
Cementless hip replacement in patients with rheumatoid arthritis1998/06/01English
Combined arthroscopic and radiation synovectomy in rheumatoid arthritis1998/03/01English
Erratum: Orthopäde 1999 28:622–6331999/10/01German
Planung und Ausführung von orthopädischen Operationen mit Hilfe von Individualschablonen2000/08/01German
Intercarpal and radiocarpal resection arthroplasty and arthrodesis1999/10/01English
Quadrizeps- und Patellarsehnenrupturen2000/03/24German
Osteoclast biology. Importance in bone metastases1998/04/01English
Structural demands on computer-based medical documentation in the hospital setting1999/03/01English
The behaviour of the soft-tissues during leg lengthening1999/12/15German
Mutars®– ein modulares Tumor- und Revisionssystem2000/06/19German
Transient synovitis of the hip. Role of US, scintigraphy and MRI1997/10/01English
Progress in the treatment of articular fractures and ligament injuries1997/06/01English
Biological reactions to calciumphosphate ceramic implants.1998/02/01English
The Pre-Operative Evaluation and Education Program (PEP) in the treatment of chronic back pain1997/06/27English
Transarticular screw fixation C1/C2 in traumatic atlantoaxial instabilities. Comparison between percutaneous and open procedures1999/08/01English
Osteointegration of different bone substitute materials in an experimental model1998/02/01English
Local instillation therapy in cervical syndroms1996/11/01English
Exercise and immunology1997/11/01English
Operative therapy for skeletal metastases in the extremities1998/05/01English
Rotationsknieprothese ENDO-Modell2000/06/19German