Computers & Operations Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Future paths for integer programming and links to artificial intelligence1986/01/01English1,820
A general heuristic for vehicle routing problems2007/08/01English728
Forecasting stock market movement direction with support vector machine2005/10/01English502
A genetic algorithm for the Flexible Job-shop Scheduling Problem2008/10/01English480
Multiobjective cuckoo search for design optimization2013/06/01English472
Routing and scheduling of vehicles and crews1983/01/01English438
Supplier selection and order lot sizing modeling: A review2007/12/01English361
A modified artificial bee colony algorithm2012/03/01English360
A hypercube queuing model for facility location and redistricting in urban emergency services1974/03/01English359
Nonlinear inertia weight variation for dynamic adaptation in particle swarm optimization2006/03/01English348
Water wave optimization: A new nature-inspired metaheuristic2015/03/01English340
Development of a fuel consumption optimization model for the capacitated vehicle routing problem2012/07/01English335
A concept of compromise solutions and the method of the displaced ideal1974/12/01English312
The distributed permutation flowshop scheduling problem2010/04/01English312
An adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic for Two-Echelon Vehicle Routing Problems arising in city logistics2012/12/01English305
Green supplier selection using fuzzy group decision making methods: A case study from the agri-food industry2018/01/01English304
Industrial aspects and literature survey: Combined inventory management and routing2010/09/01English296
A hybrid genetic algorithm with adaptive diversity management for a large class of vehicle routing problems with time-windows2013/01/01English287
A memetic algorithm for bi-objective integrated forward/reverse logistics network design2010/06/01English280
A hybrid genetic and variable neighborhood descent algorithm for flexible job shop scheduling problems2008/09/01English279
An explicit solution to the multi-level programming problem1982/01/01English277
The fleet size and mix vehicle routing problem1984/01/01English265
A systematic literature review on machine learning applications for sustainable agriculture supply chain performance2020/07/01English261
A survey of healthcare facility location2017/03/01English257
Review and classification of hybrid flow shop scheduling problems from a production system and a solutions procedure perspective2010/08/01English255
Risk-averse two-stage stochastic programming with an application to disaster management2012/03/01English254
A new fuzzy DEA model for evaluation of efficiency and effectiveness of suppliers in sustainable supply chain management context2015/02/01English252
A discrete particle swarm optimization algorithm for the no-wait flowshop scheduling problem2008/09/01English251
Dynamic multi-commodity capacitated facility location: a mathematical modeling framework for strategic supply chain planning2006/01/01English247
Big data analytics in supply chain management: A state-of-the-art literature review2018/10/01English247