Political Crossroads

Title Publication Date Language Citations
What is this New Political Paradigm?2008/01/01English
Western English Language Scholarship on China since 1945: Trends and Evaluation2009/01/01English
Geographies of Disability, Resilience and Social Justice2010/01/01English
Make Room! Make Room!: Finding a Space and Place for Communities of Practice in Criminal Justice Studies2005/01/01English
Globalization and Cultural Dynamics in a Multiethnic State: Australian Multiculturalism from an International Perspective2005/01/01English
The Art of Human Rights Education: Applying Community Cultural Development Methods in Human Rights Education2010/01/01English
Dynamics of International Human Rights Clinical Education in Japan: A Case at Kanagawa Law School2010/01/01English
Human Rights and the Beijing Olympics2009/01/01English
Tehran’s Nuclear Program and Genocidal Threats to Israel: Where Should Israel Go From Here?2009/01/01English
The Transformation of Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates: Issues, Implications and Intercultural Dimensions2006/01/01English
Teachers Trading: Ideological Implications for Post-Soviet Education and Society in Central Asia2009/01/01English
Education and Social Stratification in the Soviet Union and Post-Soviet Russia: 1970s-1990s2008/01/01English
Education for Work in the USSR: Vocational Education and Training during the 1970s2008/01/01English
The Dual System of Vocational Education: A Viable Model for Developing Countries?2006/01/01English
Challenges and Successes of Ethiopian Refugees in Australia2009/01/01English
Human Rights Education in Burma: A Confluence of Challenges2010/01/01English
Linguistic Diversity in a Globalizing World: A Sociological and Educational Perspective on ‘Minority’ Languages in Australia, the Philippines and Belarus2008/01/01English
Human Rights Education: Community Based Approaches and Holistic Development in Africa2010/01/01English
Poverty and Social Insecurity in the Niger Delta: What Lessons Can be Learned from IFAD/UNDP Anti-Poverty Program?2006/01/01English
Britain And Italy: Explaining Some Past Surprises2006/01/01English
Growth, Poverty, and Educational Insecurity in the Niger Delta: A Causal Analysis2008/01/01English
Living Together: Globalisation, Education and Intercultural Dialogue2007/01/01English
Socialist Ideology and the Contraction of Higher Education: Institutional Consequences of State Manpower and Education Planning in the Former East Germany, 1949 to 19892007/01/01English
The Challenge of Religious Diversity and Revitalisation to the Secularity of Australian Universities2007/01/01English
Peace Education as Cosmopolitan and Deliberative Democracy2007/01/01English