Clinical Radiology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
In vivo single-voxel proton MR spectroscopy in the differentiation of high-grade gliomas and solitary metastases2004/01/01English78
Differentiating mass-forming intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma from atypical hepatocellular carcinoma using gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI2012/08/01English78
The role of CT and staging laparoscopy in the staging of gastric cancer2013/03/01English78
MRI of Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease: Imaging Features and Recommended MRI Protocol2001/09/01English78
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis2002/06/01English78
The role of specialist neuroradiology second opinion reporting: is there added value?2008/07/01English78
MR Imaging of Bone Oedema: Mechanisms and Interpretation2001/01/01English77
MRI of osteonecrosis2004/12/01English76
CT in Pseudomyxoma Peritonei: A Review of 17 Cases2002/07/01English76
Distance between the rectal wall and mesorectal fascia measured by MRI: Effect of rectal distension and implications for preoperative prediction of a tumour-free circumferential resection margin2006/01/01English76
Imaging and management of complications of central venous catheters2013/05/01English75
Heroin-induced leukoencephalopathy: characterization using MRI, diffusion-weighted imaging, and MR spectroscopy2008/02/01English75
Prophylactic balloon occlusion of internal iliac arteries in women with placenta accreta: Literature review and analysis2012/06/01English75
Reduction of dental metallic artefacts in CT: Value of a newly developed algorithm for metal artefact reduction (O-MAR)2014/01/01English75
Contrast enhanced mammography: Techniques, current results, and potential indications2013/09/01English75
Assessment of myocardial fibrosis with T1 mapping MRI2016/08/01English74
Ultrasound for initial evaluation and triage of clinically suspicious soft-tissue masses2009/06/01English74
Imaging of Primary Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma of the Liver2001/04/01English74
Percutaneous vertebroplasty: history, technique and current perspectives2004/06/01English74
Pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma, and Rathke cleft cyst involving both intrasellar and suprasellar regions: differentiation using MRI2007/05/01English74
Thoracic endometriosis syndrome: CT and MRI features2014/03/01English73
Diagnostic value of CT for deep vein thrombosis: results of a systematic review and meta-analysis2008/03/01English73
False-positive uptake on 2-[18F]-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose (FDG) positron-emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) in oncological imaging2011/04/01English73
Avascular necrosis of bone in severe acute respiratory syndrome2004/07/01English73
MRI accuracy in residual disease evaluation in breast cancer patients treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy2006/11/01English72
Granulomatous Mastitis: Imaging Findings with Histopathologic Correlation2002/11/01English72
Imaging of primary central nervous system lymphoma2011/08/01English72
The Royal College of Radiologists Breast Group breast imaging classification2009/06/01English72
Current status of nephrogenic systemic fibrosis2014/07/01English72
Ultrasound evaluation of patients with carpal tunnel syndrome before and after endoscopic release of the transverse carpal ligament2007/09/01English72