Der Anaesthesist

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Realistic assessment of the physican-staffed emergency services in Germany2006/10/01English121
Die vertikale infraklavikul�re Blockade des Plexus brachialis Eine neue Methode zur An�sthesie der oberen Extremit�t1995/05/01114
Der NACA-Index2001/03/12103
S2e guideline: positioning and early mobilisation in prophylaxis or therapy of pulmonary disorders2015/09/03English85
S1 guidelines on airway management2015/12/01English84
Präoperative Blutungsanamnese2007/06/01German72
Generation Y2011/03/25German71
The Narcotrend™ - a new EEG monitor designed to measure the depth of anaesthesia2001/12/0167
Ciaglia Blue Rhino: A modified technique of percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy. Technique and early results2000/03/01German63
Prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care of sepsis2010/04/01German61
Quantifizierung von Blutverlusten2001/01/2253
Prehospital airway management using the laryngeal tube2014/07/01English52
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): update for anesthesiologists and intensivists March 20202020/03/24English49
Employing vasopressin as an adjunct vasopressor in uncontrolled traumatic hemorrhagic shock2005/03/01English48
Effect of rivaroxaban on blood coagulation using the viscoelastic coagulation test ROTEM™2012/10/07English48
Moderne CT-Diagnostik des akuten Thorax- und Abdominaltraumas2002/10/0148
Vom Razemat zum Eutomer: (S)-Ketamin1997/12/1746
Toxikologie der Lokalan�sthetika2003/12/0145
Exakte Messung des Volumeneffektes von 6%iger Hydroxyethylst�rke 130/0,4 (Voluven�) w�hrend pr�operativer akuter normovol�mer H�modilution2003/10/0144
Der interskalenäre Plexuskatheter zur Anästhesie und postoperativen Schmerztherapie1997/08/2544
Cardiotoxic and neurotoxic effects after accidental intravascular bupivacaine administration2007/05/01German43
Expedition Glykokalyx2008/09/18German42
Complications and adverse events in continuous peripheral regional anesthesia2006/01/01German42
S1-Leitlinie Atemwegsmanagement2015/10/30German41
Schockraummanagement kritisch erkrankter Patienten2013/11/24German41
Vertikale infraklavikuläre Plexus-brachialis-Blockade1998/07/2940
Weniger Injektionsschmerz durch Propofol-MCT/LCT?2001/11/0139
Postoperative Störungen der kognitiven Leistungsfähigkeit bei älteren Patienten Die Ergebnisse der „International Study of Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction” (ISPOCD 1)1999/12/01German39
Locoregional anesthesia and coagulation inhibitors2005/05/01German38