Irish Studies Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
‘Home is where the heart is’? Understandings of ‘home’ among Irish-born return migrants from the United States2009/05/01English21
The Irish in Britain: Racism, incorporation and identity1995/03/01English15
Changing the Political Landscape: Murals and Transition in Northern Ireland2003/04/01English14
Border crossings: new approaches to the Irish border2010/08/01English13
‘Generation Emigration’: the politics of (trans)national social reproduction in twenty-first-century Ireland2013/02/01English11
Longings and belongings — gendered spatialities of Irishness1999/08/01English10
Emigration, return migration and surprise homecomings in post-Celtic Tiger Ireland2016/02/17English9
Punk music in Northern Ireland: the political power of ‘what might have been’2004/04/01English8
‘The Lost Tribes Of Ireland’2007/07/30English8
Plastic Paddy: Negotiating Identity in Second-generation 'Irish-English' Writing2000/04/01English8
Returning home: the return of Irish-born football migrants to Ireland’s football leagues and their cultural re-adaption, 1945–20102018/02/22English8
The Falls Road Curfew Revisited2006/08/01English7
Asylum seekers, Ireland, and the return of the repressed2015/11/23English7
Putting Pressure on O'Neill2005/02/01English7
A musical nation: protection, investment and branding in the Irish music industry2004/04/01English7
The limits of ‘Irish Studies’: historicism, culturalism, paternalism2004/08/01English7
Rebels and Redshanks: Milton and the British problem1994/03/01English7
Irish Origins, Celtic Origins2006/02/01English7
Curious Hybridities2006/05/01English7
The New Primitives: Irishness in Recent US Television2001/08/01English7
Speaking of silence, speaking of art, abortion and Ireland2018/12/27English7
Ideological content and institutional frameworks: Unionist identities in Northern Ireland and Scotland2009/05/01English6
‘Anxious for peace’: the Provisional IRA in dialogue with the British government, 1972–752012/08/01English6
Theorising Ireland2001/12/01English6
Vampira: Representations of the Irish female terrorist1998/12/01English6
Race, Class and the Imperial Politics of Ethnography in India, Ireland and London, 1850-19102002/12/01English6
Immigration, the Celtic Tiger and the economic crisis2015/11/17English6
Irish Protestant migration and politics in the USA, Canada, and Australia: a debated legacy2012/08/01English6
The space of the nation: History, culture and a conflict in modern Ireland1998/08/01English5