Advanced Robotics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Intention-based walking support for paraplegia patients with Robot Suit HAL2007/01/01English240
Power assist method based on Phase Sequence and muscle force condition for HAL2005/01/01English175
Human–robot interaction in industrial collaborative robotics: a literature review of the decade 2008–20172019/07/04English167
Deep learning in robotics: a review of recent research2017/08/18English138
ANYmal - toward legged robots for harsh environments2017/09/02English125
Inevitable collision states — a step towards safer robots?2004/01/01English115
Gas source localization with a micro-drone using bio-inspired and particle filter-based algorithms2013/06/01English113
New materials and advances in making electronic skin for interactive robots2015/11/02English113
Dynamic analysis and intelligent control techniques for flexible manipulators: a review2013/10/15English110
Software toolkit for modeling, simulation, and control of soft robots2017/11/17English98
Intelligent Space — concept and contents2002/01/01English97
Kinematic analysis of a translational 3-d.o.f. micro-parallel mechanism using the matrix method2002/01/01English90
Gravity compensation in robotics2015/11/30English84
iCub: the design and realization of an open humanoid platform for cognitive and neuroscience research2007/01/01English83
Visibility-based probabilistic roadmaps for motion planning2000/01/01English83
DLR's robotics technologies for on-orbit servicing2004/01/01English81
Tactile display and vibrotactile pattern recognition on the torso2006/01/01English74
Dynamics, control and impedance matching for robotic capture of a non-cooperative satellite2004/01/01English73
CB: a humanoid research platform for exploring neuroscience2007/01/01English71
Analysis of creeping locomotion of a snake-like robot2001/01/01English70
Biped walking pattern generation by a simple three-dimensional inverted pendulum model2003/01/01English69
Third–Generation Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscles for Robotic Applications: Development and Comparison with McKibben Muscle2012/07/01English68
Design of an electrically actuated lower extremity exoskeleton2006/01/01English67
The meaning of action: a review on action recognition and mapping2007/01/01English64
Mechanical design of the humanoid robot platform, HUBO2007/01/01English64
Control and system identification for the Berkeley lower extremity exoskeleton (BLEEX)2006/01/01English62
Symbol emergence in robotics: a survey2016/04/11English61
A Gaussian process-based RRT planner for the exploration of an unknown and cluttered environment with a UAV2013/04/01English58
Grasp and dexterous manipulation of multi-fingered robotic hands: a review from a control view point2017/08/29English58
Underwater robotics2001/01/01English58