Demographic Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Convergences and divergences in mortality2004/04/16English4
Divorce and Remarriage in Rural Malawi2003/09/19English4
"Living Apart Together": Relationships in the United States2009/08/13English4
Another 'futile quest'? A simulation study of Yang and Land's Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort model2014/02/04English4
Indian paradox: Rising education, declining womens' employment2018/03/06English4
Mortality in Catalonia in the context of the third, fourth and future phases of the epidemiological transition theory2009/02/17English4
Projection of populations by level of educational attainment, age, and sex for 120 countries for 2005-20502010/03/16English4
A review of the antecedents of union dissolution2010/08/03English4
A Guide to Global Population Projections2001/06/13English4
The interrelationship of fertility, family maintenance and Mexico-U.S. Migration2007/12/20English4
Old-Age Mortality in Germany prior to and after Reunification2000/07/12English4
The Cancer Transition in Japan since 19512002/08/06English4
Youth poverty and transition to adulthood in Europe2006/07/27English4
The long-term consequences of parental divorce for children’s educational attainment2014/05/27English4
Very long range global population scenarios to 2300 and the implications of sustained low fertility2013/05/30English4
The change in single mothers’ educational gradient over time in Spain2017/06/27English4
Household production and consumption over the lifecycle: National Time Transfer Accounts in 14 European countries2017/03/23English4
Fertility Reactions to the "Great Recession" in Europe2013/07/10English3
Living Alone2015/06/03English3
Gender Preferences for Children in Europe2000/01/25English3
Fertility and Public Policies - Evidence from Norway and Finland2004/05/07English3
Overview Chapter 4: Changing family and partnership behaviour2008/07/01English3
A new perspective on population aging2007/01/16English3
Gender roles and values of children: Childless Couples in East and West Germany2008/08/22English3
The impact of parent's and spouses' education on divorce rates in Norway2004/04/15English3
Family Dynamics of 63 Million (in 1990) to More Than 330 Million (in 2050) Elders in China2000/05/05English3
Do socioeconomic mortality differences decrease with rising age?2005/08/09English3
Coronavirus and care: How the coronavirus crisis affected fathers' involvement in Germany2021/01/19English3
Domestic division of labour and fertility preference in China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan2017/02/10English3
The impact of sent-down movement on Chinese women's age at first marriage2016/05/10English3