Demographic Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The increasing mortality advantage of the married: The role played by education2018/02/02English
Not a zero-sum game: Migration and child well-being in contemporary China2018/02/22English
High life expectancy and reversed socioeconomic gradients of elderly people in Mexico and Costa Rica2018/01/05English
First and second births among immigrants and their descendants in Switzerland2018/01/18English
Factors explaining the North–South differentials in contraceptive use in Nigeria: A nonlinear decomposition analysis2018/01/19English
Shocks and migration in Malawi2018/01/24English
Adolescents' educational aspirations and ethnic background: The case of students of African and Latin American migrant origins in Spain2018/02/20English
Does it take a village to raise a child?2016/06/03English
Social network indices in the Generations and Gender Survey2016/06/07English
On the masculinization of population: The contribution of demographic development -- A look at sex ratios in Sweden over 250 years2016/06/10English
Understanding patterns of contraceptive use among never married Mexican American women2016/06/24English
Child mortality estimation: An assessment of summary birth history methods using microsimulation2016/06/23English
Convergence in male and female life expectancy: Direction, age pattern, and causes2016/06/22English
Multiple imputation for demographic hazard models with left-censored predictor variables: Application to employment duration and fertility in the EU-SILC2016/10/20English
The diffusion of cohabitation and children’s risks of family dissolution in Canada2016/11/18English
Infertility and fertility intentions, desires, and births among US women2016/10/20English
Does the number of siblings affect health in midlife? Evidence from the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register2016/11/10English
A test of the predictive validity of relative versus absolute income for self-reported health and well-being in the United States2023/05/16English
Family inequality: On the changing educational gradient of family patterns in Western Germany2023/04/27English
Religious affiliation and child mortality in Ireland: A country-wide analysis based on the 1911 Census2024/03/01English
Cohort fertility of immigrants to Israel from the former Soviet Union2024/02/29English
The importance of correcting for health-related survey non-response when estimating health expectancies: Evidence from The HUNT Study2024/04/05English
How lifespan and life years lost equate to unity2024/04/04English
The importance of education for understanding variability of dementia onset in the United States2024/04/09English
Age-heterogamous partnerships: Prevalence and partner differences by marital status and gender composition2024/04/03English
The influence of parental cancer on the mental health of children and young adults: Evidence from Norwegian register data on healthcare consultations2024/04/10English
Marital plans and partnership transitions among German opposite-sex couples: Couple agreement and gender differences2023/12/12English
Bayesian implementation of Rogers–Castro model migration schedules: An alternative technique for parameter estimation2023/12/15English
How do environmental stressors influence migration? A meta-regression analysis of environmental migration literature2024/01/05English
Dynamics of the coefficient of variation of the age at death distribution2023/12/08English