The Muslim World

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Muslim‐Christian Relations in Medieval Southern Italy2007/04/01English
THE AZHAR AND SH?'ISM1960/04/01English
Here Before Me is My Very Own God: Reflections on an Alternative Approach to Hindu‐Muslim Dialogue2017/03/08English
Comparative Religion: Its Failures and Its Challenges. An Exploratory Essay2017/03/08English
Hindu and Islamic Economics: On the Need for a New Economic Paradigm2017/03/08English
Beyond Curry and Caliphs: How Advocacy in Education Has Shaped Hindu‐Muslim Relations in the United States2017/03/08English
Comparative Study of Hinduism and Islam: Gīlānī's Approach2017/03/08English
Issue Information ‐ TOC2017/03/08English
Taymiyyan Taṣawwuf meets Ottoman Orthodoxy: Reformed Sufism in the thought of Aḥmad al‐Rūmī al‐Āqḥiṣārī2018/01/01English
Ibn Taymiyya as Avicennan? Fourteenth‐Century Cosmological Controversies in Damascus2018/01/01English
Issue Information ‐ TOC2018/01/01English
Ibn Taymiyya on the Proofs of Prophecy and His Legacy: Ibn Qayyim al‐Jawziyya (d. 751/1350) and Ibn al‐Wazīr (d. 840/1436)2018/01/01English
Is there a Paradox of Learning from the Other? Four Questions and a Proposal2016/04/01English
Caliphate and Political Jurisprudence in Islam: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives2016/04/01English
Issue Information ‐ TOC2016/04/01English
Conducting the Conversation: Insights from the Historical and Theological Contextualization of Edward Said's Orientalism2016/04/01English
Creation, Judgement and the State in Christianity and Islam2016/04/01English
Law and Moral Community in Pre‐Modern Christian Thought: Continuity and Discontinuity in the Western Tradition2016/04/01English
Natural Law and Wisdom Traditions2016/04/01English
New Conversations in Islamic and Christian Political Thought2016/04/01English
On Fighting as An Individual Duty in Islam2016/04/01English
Islamic and Christian Political Thought as Comparative Religious Ethics2016/04/01English
Loyalty and Obedience to the Ruler: Religious Obligation or a Practical Necessity?2016/04/01English
Loyalty, Royalty and Obligation: ‘Good Shepherds under Law’2016/04/01English
Qaddafi's Hidden History? The Libyan World Islamic Call Society's Editions and Translations of the Qur'an2024/04/12English
Issue Information ‐ TOC2023/09/01English
Navigating Murky Waters: Iranian‐Gulf Relations a Year into Raisi's Presidency2023/02/28English