Journal of College Science Teaching

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Research and Teaching: "It's Not You, It's the Room"--Are the High-Tech, Active Learning Classrooms Worth It?2013/01/01English56
Research and Teaching: Collaborative Testing: Evidence of Learning in a Controlled In-Class Study of Undergraduate Students2014/01/01English52
Research and Teaching: Data Visualization Literacy: Investigating Data Interpretation Along the Novice-Expert Continuum2015/01/01English35
Research and Teaching: A New Tool for Measuring Student Behavioral Engagement in Large University Classes2015/01/01English33
Metacognition: An Effective Tool to Promote Success in College Science Learning2014/01/01English30
To Flip or Not to Flip? Analysis of a Flipped Classroom Pedagogy in a General Biology Course2016/01/01English28
Changing College Majors: Does It Happen More in STEM and Do Grades Matter?2015/01/01English27
Research and Teaching: Effects of a Science Content Course on Elementary Preservice Teachers' Self-Efficacy of Teaching Science2015/01/01English24
Using the Draw-a-Scientist Test for Inquiry and Evaluation2014/01/01English24
Two-Year Community: Cultivating the STEM Transfer Pathway and Capacity for Research: A Partnership Between a Community College and a 4-Year College2014/01/01English21
The Power of Educational Robotics as an Integrated STEM Learning Experience in Teacher Preparation Programs2015/01/01English20
Introducing Engineering Design to a Science Teaching Methods Course Through Educational Robotics and Exploring Changes in Views of Preservice Elementary Teachers2017/11/01English19
Research and Teaching: Blooming, SOLO Taxonomy, and Phenomenography as Assessment Strategies in Undergraduate Science Education2013/01/01English19
Undergraduate Journal Club as an Intervention to Improve Student Development in Applying the Scientific Process2016/01/01English18
Calling on Students Using Notecards: Engagement and Countering Communication Anxiety in Large Lecture2016/01/01English18
Research and Teaching: During POGIL Implementation the Professor Still Makes a Difference2015/01/01English17
Examinations That Support Collaborative Learning: The Students' Perspective2014/01/01English17
Can Graduate Teaching Assistants Teach Inquiry-Based Geology Labs Effectively?2014/01/01English16
Improving Postsecondary STEM Education: Strategies for Successful Interdisciplinary Collaborations and Brokering Engagement With Education Research and Theory2014/01/01English16
Planning and Implementing a Comprehensive Student-Centered Research Program for First-Year STEM Undergraduates2015/01/01English15
Remeasuring Postsecondary Teaching: How Singular Categories of Instruction Obscure the Multiple Dimensions of Classroom Practice2014/01/01English15
Student Impressions of Academic Cell Phone Use in the Classroom2013/01/01English15
A Community Mentoring Model for STEM Undergraduate Research Experiences2016/01/01English15
Research and Teaching: Undergraduate Students' Scientifically Informed Decision Making About Socio-Hydrological Issues2017/01/01English15
Research and Teaching: Virtually the Same: A Comparison of STEM Students' Content Knowledge, Course Performance, and Motivation to Learn in Virtual and Face-to-Face Introductory Biology Laboratories2017/01/01English15
Evolution in Student Perceptions of a Flipped Classroom in a Computer Programming Course2018/03/01English14
Authentic Science Research Opportunities: How Do Undergraduate Students Begin Integration Into a Science Community of Practice?2015/01/01English14
Deliberative Pedagogy in a Nonmajors Biology Course: Active Learning That Promotes Student Engagement With Science Policy and Research2016/01/01English13
Research and Teaching: Association of Summer Bridge Program Outcomes With STEM Retention of Targeted Demographic Groups2016/01/01English13
Research and Teaching: Undergraduate Science Learners Show Comparable Outcomes Whether Taught by Undergraduate or Graduate Teaching Assistants2014/01/01English13