Permutohedra, Associahedra, and Beyond | 2009/01/01 | English | 260 |
A Simple Proof of the A2 Conjecture | 2012/06/02 | English | 118 |
Mahler's Conjecture and Curvature | 2011/01/28 | English | 112 |
A Note on Global Existence for the Chemotaxis–Stokes Model with Nonlinear Diffusion | 2012/12/17 | English | 111 |
Quasi-Poisson Structures on Representation Spaces of Surfaces | 2012/10/08 | English | 102 |
Wegner Estimate and Level Repulsion for Wigner Random Matrices | 2009/08/29 | English | 93 |
Splitting of Operations, Manin Products, and Rota–Baxter Operators | 2012/01/22 | English | 87 |
Odds and Ends on Finite Group Actions and Traces | 2012/01/10 | English | 76 |
$\boldsymbol{\tau}$ -Tilting Finite Algebras, Bricks, and $\boldsymbol{g}$-Vectors | 2017/07/09 | English | 74 |
Global Quantization of Pseudo-Differential Operators on Compact Lie Groups, SU(2), 3-sphere, and Homogeneous Spaces | 2012/04/17 | English | 68 |
On the Discrete Logarithmic Minkowski Problem | 2015/06/20 | English | 61 |
Reduction of τ-Tilting Modules and Torsion Pairs | 2014/09/26 | English | 61 |
Silting Modules | 2015/06/18 | English | 59 |
Supercritical Conformal Metrics on Surfaces with Conical Singularities | 2011/01/01 | English | 57 |
A Mean Curvature Type Flow in Space Forms | 2014/05/23 | English | 56 |
A Priori Bounds for the 1D Cubic NLS in Negative Sobolev Spaces | 2007/01/01 | English | 55 |
Uniform Stability of Twisted Constant Scalar Curvature Kähler Metrics | 2015/10/14 | English | 55 |
Asymptotics of the Instantons of Painlevé I | 2011/03/23 | English | 54 |
Breakdown for the Camassa–Holm Equation Using Decay Criteria and Persistence in Weighted Spaces | 2011/12/02 | English | 53 |
Can Rotational Fluxes Impede the Tendency Toward Spatial Homogeneity in Nutrient Taxis(-Stokes) Systems? | 2019/04/02 | English | 51 |
The Steepest Descent Method for Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line with Varying Weights | 2008/01/01 | English | 49 |
The Euler–Poisson System in 2D: Global Stability of the Constant Equilibrium Solution | 2012/02/14 | English | 49 |
The Shuffle Algebra Revisited | 2013/08/01 | English | 48 |
Ricci Flat Kähler Metrics with Edge Singularities | 2012/10/15 | English | 48 |
Local Wellposedness of Chern–Simons–Schrödinger | 2013/07/29 | English | 47 |
The Maximum of the CUE Field | 2017/03/08 | English | 45 |
Reversed Hardy–Littewood–Sobolev Inequality | 2014/12/04 | English | 44 |
Scattering for Radial, Bounded Solutions of Focusing Supercritical Wave Equations | 2012/10/12 | English | 44 |
Pitt's Inequalities and Uncertainty Principle for Generalized Fourier Transform | 2016/03/30 | English | 43 |
Local Universality of Zeroes of Random Polynomials | 2014/06/06 | English | 43 |