Journal of Information Security and Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Ransomware behavioural analysis on windows platforms2018/06/01English22
AnswerAuth: A bimodal behavioral biometric-based user authentication scheme for smartphones2019/02/01English22
The relation between information security events and firm market value, empirical evidence on recent disclosures: An extension of the GLZ study2014/11/01English22
Integrating information quality dimensions into information security risk management (ISRM)2017/10/01English21
Practical traceable multi-authority CP-ABE with outsourcing decryption and access policy updation2020/04/01English21
Voting extreme learning machine based distributed denial of service attack detection in cloud computing2020/08/01English21
Survey of false data injection in smart power grid: Attacks, countermeasures and challenges2020/10/01English21
EASBF: An efficient authentication scheme over blockchain for fog computing-enabled internet of vehicles2021/06/01English21
Applications of artificial immune systems to computer security: A survey2017/08/01English21
Anonymity and closely related terms in the cyberspace: An analysis by example2014/02/01English21
An IoT notion–based authentication and key agreement scheme ensuring user anonymity for heterogeneous ad hoc wireless sensor networks2017/06/01English21
Bi-GISIS KE: Modified key exchange protocol with reusable keys for IoT security2021/05/01English20
An efficient and secure anonymous mobility network authentication scheme2014/02/01English20
Globalized firefly algorithm and chaos for designing substitution box2020/12/01English20
Efficient and privacy-preserving authentication scheme for wireless body area networks2020/06/01English20
A three-factor anonymous user authentication scheme for Internet of Things environments2020/06/01English20
A lightweight multi-factor secure smart card based remote user authentication scheme for cloud-IoT applications2018/10/01English20
Hybrid secure and robust image watermarking scheme based on SVD and sharp frequency localized contourlet transform2019/02/01English20
Blind SVD-based audio watermarking using entropy and log-polar transformation2015/02/01English19
Weaponized AI for cyber attacks2021/03/01English19
Emergency role-based access control (E-RBAC) and analysis of model specifications with alloy2019/04/01English19
Blockchain-Enabled healthcare system for detection of diabetes2021/05/01English19
A lightweight and provable secure identity-based generalized proxy signcryption (IBGPS) scheme for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)2021/05/01English19
SQL Injection Attack classification through the feature extraction of SQL query strings using a Gap-Weighted String Subsequence Kernel2018/06/01English18
Cyber security attacks to modern vehicular systems2017/10/01English18
Chaos and compressive sensing based novel image encryption scheme2021/05/01English18
A robust copy-move forgery detection technique based on discrete cosine transform and cellular automata2020/10/01English18
Clustering method and symmetric/asymmetric cryptography scheme adapted to securing urban VANET networks2021/05/01English18
Cognitive security: A comprehensive study of cognitive science in cybersecurity2019/10/01English18
High throughput and low area architectures of secure IoT algorithm for medical image encryption2020/08/01English18