International Journal of Rehabilitation Research

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The evidence base for community-based rehabilitation: a literature review2005/09/01English59
Multiple sclerosis: disability profile and quality of life in an Australian community cohort2006/06/01English58
African traditional healers: what health care professionals need to know2002/12/01English56
Recovery and correlates of trunk muscle strength after stroke1995/06/01English56
Work limitations and employer adjustments for employees with chronic illness2005/06/01English55
Validation of the Chinese general self-efficacy scale among individuals with schizophrenia in Hong Kong2004/06/01English53
Psychosocial adaptation to amputation1999/03/01English51
An inter-rater reliability study of the Barthel Index1988/03/01English51
Beneficial effects of water-based exercise in patients with chronic kidney disease2003/06/01English50
Lateral trunk flexion strength1992/09/01English48
Body image and patients with amputations1998/12/01English48
A dictionary of reading and related terms1981/12/01English47
Rehabilitation therapy self-efficacy and functional recovery after hip fracture2002/09/01English47
Tai Chi Chuan practice in community-dwelling persons after stroke2004/12/01English47
Development of the Stroke-unit Discharge Guideline: choice of assessment instruments for prediction in the subacute phase post-stroke2006/03/01English45
Walking after stroke1992/09/01English44
Prognostic factors in whiplash-associated disorders2002/09/01English44
Quality of life of the spouses of stroke patients1996/12/01English43
Exercise training to improve motor performance in chronic stroke: effects of a community-based exercise program2005/03/01English43
Knowledge, personal risk and experiences of HIV/AIDS among people with disabilities in Swaziland2004/09/01English43
Internet-based rehabilitation for individuals with chronic pain and burnout: a randomized trial2006/09/01English43
Long-term outcome after stroke1996/09/01English42
Bone mineral density in patients with stroke2002/09/01English41
The cross-cultural adaptation of the Work Role Functioning Questionnaire in Canadian French2004/12/01English40
Traumatic brain injury and marital relationships1990/12/01English39
The Demand–Control–Support model as a predictor of return to work2003/03/01English39
Drooling in children with cerebral palsy: a qualitative method to evaluate parental perceptions of its impact on daily life, social interaction, and self-esteem2006/06/01English38
Assessment of activity of elderly people using a home monitoring system2005/03/01English38
Pressure ulcer prophylaxis in elderly patients using polyurethane foam or Jay® wheelchair cushions1994/06/01English38
Health-related quality of life of adolescents and young adults 10 years after serious traumatic brain injury2005/09/01English38