
Title Publication Date Language Citations
De-materialising and re-materialising: digital technologies and the environment2004/10/01English152
Ecological complexity, fuzzy logic, and holism in indigenous knowledge2009/02/01English145
What is progress in transdisciplinary research?2011/08/01English145
Changing lifestyles and consumption patterns in developing countries: A scenario analysis for China and India2007/11/01English139
Participative backcasting: A tool for involving stakeholders in local sustainability planning2008/02/01English138
Futures literacy: A hybrid strategic scenario method2007/05/01English138
Services in the new industrial economy1993/07/01English136
The future of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon2006/05/01English134
Transdisciplinary collaboration in environmental research2005/12/01English127
Complexity and thermodynamics1994/07/01English126
What is wrong with evidence based policy, and how can it be improved?2017/08/01English124
Practising the scenario-axes technique2006/02/01English123
Technological trajectories and R&D for environmental innovation in UK firms1994/12/01English121
Being undisciplined: Transgressions and intersections in academia and beyond2008/02/01English121
Modelling and prediction in a complex world2005/09/01English121
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for futures studies—A methodological assessment of concepts and methods2014/09/01English119
Living on the border: knowledge, risk and transdisciplinarity2004/05/01English114
Construction nature1996/05/01English112
The TD Wheel: A heuristic to shape, support and evaluate transdisciplinary research2010/12/01English112
Scenarios as a scholarly methodology to produce “interesting research”2015/08/01English111
Transdisciplinarity: Context, contradictions and capacity2008/06/01English111
Beginning at the end: The outcome spaces framework to guide purposive transdisciplinary research2015/01/01English107
Location based services—new challenges for planning and public administration?2005/08/01English105
Confronting tourism's environmental paradox: Transitioning for sustainable tourism2009/08/01English103
Supradisciplinary research practices: history, objectives and rationale2004/05/01English103
Challenges for the degrowth transition: The debate about wellbeing2019/01/01English102
Reflections on ‘development’1992/06/01English100
Sustainable development: A co-evolutionary view1988/12/01English100
Functions of scenarios in transition processes2006/09/01English100
The law of constant travel time and trip-rates1982/02/01English99