
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Scenario types and techniques: Towards a user's guide2006/09/01English734
Review of fossil fuels and future energy technologies2015/05/01English683
The origins and evolution of scenario techniques in long range business planning2005/10/01English576
The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms2017/06/01English546
A review of scenario planning2013/02/01English450
Green consumption or sustainable lifestyles? Identifying the sustainable consumer2005/08/01English448
Future-oriented higher education: Which key competencies should be fostered through university teaching and learning?2012/03/01English420
The practice of transition management: Examples and lessons from four distinct cases2010/04/01English351
Structural change and assimilation of new technologies in the economic and social systems1983/10/01English309
Transdisciplinary research: characteristics, quandaries and quality2006/11/01English284
Prospects for transdisciplinarity2004/05/01English274
Transdisciplinary co-production: Designing and testing a transdisciplinary research framework for societal problem solving2015/01/01English258
A rationale for science–policy interfaces2007/09/01English254
Navigating towards sustainable development: A system dynamics approach2006/02/01English248
Diversifying and de-growing the circular economy: Radical social transformation in a resource-scarce world2016/09/01English248
Past and future of backcasting: The shift to stakeholder participation and a proposal for a methodological framework2006/11/01English235
A pragmatist approach to transdisciplinarity in sustainability research: From complex systems theory to reflexive science2015/01/01English228
Directions in scenario planning literature – A review of the past decades2010/05/01English205
Future visioning of local climate change: A framework for community engagement and planning with scenarios and visualisation2011/05/01English198
Strategies for shifting technological systems1994/12/01English192
Consulting versus participatory transdisciplinarity: A refined classification of transdisciplinary research2010/10/01English189
Interdisciplinary integration in Europe: the case of the Fifth Framework programme2004/05/01English183
Emergent complex systems1994/07/01English173
The Namesake: Futures; futures studies; futurology; futuristic; foresight—What's in a name?2010/04/01English172
Is there anybody out there? The place and role of citizens in tomorrow’s smart cities2016/09/01English168
Transdisciplinarity and its challenges: the case of urban studies2004/05/01English167
Welcome to postnormal times2010/06/01English162
Linking stakeholders and modellers in scenario studies: The use of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps as a communication and learning tool2010/02/01English161
Exploring the transition potential of renewable energy communities2015/02/01English158
Futures of Transdisciplinarity2004/05/01English154