Journal of Pragmatics

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Principles of metaphor interpretation and the notion of ‘domain’: A proposal for a hybrid model1999/11/01English
An introduction to cognitive linguistics1999/01/01English
Decentering linguistics: A review of the encyclopedia of language and linguistics1995/11/01English
Color and cognition in Mesoamerica: Constructing categories as vantages1999/01/01English
Power, severity, and context in disagreement2000/07/01English
Paul van den Broek, Patricia Bauer and Tammy Bourg2001/04/01English
Towards a critical sociolinguistics1998/12/01English
Subject index1999/01/01English
How do young children reformulate assertions? A comparison with requests1997/06/01English
Modal particles and their functional equivalents: a speech-act-theoretic approach2001/09/01English
Describing conversational dominance2001/12/01English
The politeness of judges: American and English judicial behaviour2001/01/01English
The discourse of denial: Cross-examining child victim witnesses1995/01/01English
Swimming against the current: Do idioms reflect conceptual structure?1999/11/01English
Formulaic disclaimers2001/01/01English
Focus: Linguistic, cognitive, and computational perspectives2001/10/01English
The rise and fall of illocutionary negation: Evidence from Veneto2023/04/01English
Anticipatory initiations: The use of a presumed reason-for-the-interaction in face-to-face openings2023/05/01English
Editorial Board2023/04/01English
Biblical authority in interaction: How do evangelicals use the Bible?2023/04/01English
Trademark™: A usage-based theory of the trademark sign2023/04/01English
The forms and functions of ‘naming interrogatives’ in Hebrew word searches2023/04/01English
Book review2023/04/01English
“One, two, three!”: Coordinating and projecting simultaneous start and end of joint actions in drills of rescue activities in mass casualty incidents2023/04/01English
Editorial Board2023/03/01English
Pragmatic overlap and consecutive change: The case of Hebrew (inter)subjective markers yeʃ/en matsav/sikuy2023/04/01English
From a bit of processed cheese to a bit of a car accident and a little bit of “oh really” — The journey of Australian English a bit (of)2023/05/01English
Special issues1999/01/01English
Spanish no, sí: reactive moves to perceived face-threatening acts, part I: discourse relations and cognitive states2001/05/01English