Forensic Update

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Guidance on submitting exemplars for chartership2008/01/01English1
Young people wellness boxes: Promoting psychological wellbeing in young people during Covid-192022/04/01English1
Mentoring within a high secure forensic inpatient service: Service user perspectives on developing a mentor service2012/04/01English1
Intervening with extremist offenders2012/01/01English1
Trudging through treacle: Applying motivation theory to training in forensic psychology2011/01/01English1
An introduction to multisystemic therapy in England2011/01/01English1
Examining the relationship between anger and violent thoughts and fantasies: A pilot study2013/04/01English1
Contextual neurorehabilitation in a forensic setting: An introduction2008/01/01English1
HMP Grendon: A prison therapeutic community2008/01/01English1
‘I am not my offence’: The importance of how we refer to service users2018/12/01English1
Asymptomatic victims of child sexual abuse: A critical review2010/01/01English1
A comparison between British and Australian forensic psychology training2014/11/01English1
A review of the importance of reflective practice2008/01/01English1
Referrers’ views on the quality of psychological reports on adults in childcare proceedings2014/11/01English1
The application of the Good Lives Model within the prison therapeutic community regime at HMP Grendon2009/01/01English1
The perceptions of sex offenders: A comparison of professionals and paraprofessionals in a forensic environment and the general public2015/01/01English1
Social connectedness and female offending2013/07/01English1
Understanding family violence2014/11/01English1
Pursuing a PhD in Forensic Psychology2014/01/01English1
How to become a Practitioner Forensic Psychologist2014/01/01English1
Balancing the therapy role with the prison officer role2014/01/01English1
Eye tracking and eyewitness memory2010/01/01English1
Assessing risk in female offenders: A review of the HCR-20 and the FAM2014/01/01English1
The Qualification in Forensic Psychology (Stage 2) – Getting it done2014/01/01English1
Perceptions of male sexual assault: A review2011/01/01English1
Courtroom questioning, pre-trial preparation and witness accuracy2010/01/01English1
Assessing Dynamic Risk in the community: The DRR and Circles of Support and Accountability2012/10/01English1
2020, a year to forget or an opportunity to reflect?2021/07/01English1
Understanding the effect of age on sexual recidivism risk2008/01/01English1