Latin American Research Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Cattle, Corruption, and Venezuelan State Formation During the Regime of Juan Vicente Gomez, 1908-19352003/01/01English8
Explaining Patterns of Redistribution under Autocracy The Case of Peru’s Revolution from Above2015/01/01English8
Protestant Growth and Change in El Salvador: Two Decades of Survey Evidence2015/01/01English8
Latin American Critical Epistemologies toward a Biocentric Turn in Communication for Social Change: Communication from a Good Living Perspective2022/01/01English8
Racism and Race Mixture in Latin America2022/01/01English8
Individual-Level Determinants of Anti-Americanism in Contemporary Latin America2015/01/01English8
The Sacrificial Zones of “Progressive” Extraction in Andean Latin America2015/01/01English8
Fine Dining: Race in Prerevolution Cuban Cookbooks2008/01/01English8
The Redistributive Effects of Centralization and Decentralization across Subnational Units2012/01/01English8
The Metamorphosis of Marginality in Rio de Janeiro2004/01/01English8
Changing Faces of Populism in Latin America: Masks, Makeovers, and Enduring Features2004/01/01English8
Earning a Living: A History of Real Wage Studies in Twentieth-Century Mexico2006/01/01English8
Regime Type, Rights, and Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: A Brief Comment2006/01/01English8
The Poetics of Khipu Historiography: Felip Guaman Poma de Ayala and the Khipukamayuqs from Pacariqtambo2003/01/01English8
Competing Claims on Disputed Lands: The Complexity of Resource Tenure in the Nicaraguan Interior2004/01/01English8
Passaros e cientistas no Brasil: Em busca de protecao, 1894-19382006/01/01English8
Beyond <i>Death and the Maiden</i>: Ariel Dorfman's Media Criticism and Journalism2010/01/01English8
The Political Economy of Subnational Economic Recovery in Mexico2005/01/01English7
Beyond Judicial Reform: Courts as Political Actors in Latin America2006/01/01English7
Efectos de los impuestos corporativos en la inversión extranjera en América Latina2010/01/01English7
An Analysis of Disabled People and the Labor Market in Mexico2014/01/01English7
Religion and Resistance to Extraction in Rural Peru: Is the Catholic Church Following the People?2014/01/01English7
Class Structure, Labor Market Heterogeneity, and Living Conditions in Latin America2019/12/01English7
Inequality and Inclusion in Latin America2022/01/01English7
Cárteles de droga, violencia y competitividad electoral a nivel local: Evidencia del caso mexicano2016/01/01English7
Afecciones afrocolombianas: Transnacionalización y racialización del mercado del sexo en las ciudades mineras del norte de Chile2016/01/01English7
Satisfacción de vida en Costa Rica: Un enfoque de dominios de vida2012/01/01English7
Institutional Strengthening in a Receding Movement: The Trajectory ofPiqueteroOrganizations between 2003 and 20152022/01/01English7
Descentralización y focalización del gasto social en los municipios brasileños2011/01/01English7
Going with the Flow: The State of Contemporary Studies of Water Management in Latin America2005/01/01English7