Latin American Research Review

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Vote Buying in Argentina2004/01/01English239
Latin American Class Structures: Their Composition and Change during the Neoliberal Era2003/01/01English218
From "Racial Democracy" to Affirmative Action: Changing State Policy on Race in Brazil2004/01/01English122
Patients of the State: An Ethnographic Account of Poor People's Waiting2011/01/01English117
Estimating Ideology of Brazilian Legislative Parties, 1990–2005: A Research Communication2009/01/01English105
The Ideational Approach to Populism2022/01/01English103
Economic Reforms and Inflows of Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America2006/01/01English80
Extraterritorial Political Rights and Dual Citizenship in Latin America2007/01/01English75
Successes and Failures of Neoliberalism2004/01/01English73
The Political Economy of U.S. Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: A Reappraisal2004/01/01English69
Presidential Diplomacy and the Institutional Underpinnings of MERCOSUR: An Empirical Examination2005/01/01English65
Avoiding Governors: The Success of Bolsa Família2009/01/01English64
Social Policy and Vote in Brazil: Bolsa Família and the Shifts in Lula's Electoral Base2011/01/01English61
The Impact of Criminal Violence on Regime Legitimacy in Latin America2013/01/01English60
Right on Crime?: Conservative Party Politics and <i>Mano Dura</i> Policies in El Salvador2013/01/01English59
Causes of Tax Reform in Latin America, 1977-952004/01/01English58
A &quot;Demographic Turnaround&quot;: The Rapid Growth of the Indigenous Populations in Lowland Latin America2005/01/01English56
Campesinos and Mexican Forest Policy During the Twentieth Century2003/01/01English54
The Unevenness of Democracy at the Subnational Level: Provincial Closed Games in Argentina2011/01/01English52
Social Capital and Political Participation in Latin America: Evidence from Argentina, Chile, Mexico, and Peru2007/01/01English51
Structures, Endowments, and Institutions in the Economic History of Latin America2005/01/01English50
Coping with the Free Market City: Collective Action in Six Latin American Cities at the End of the Twentieth Century2006/01/01English48
The Role of Drug-Related Violence and Extortion in Promoting Mexican Migration: Unexpected Consequences of a Drug War2014/01/01English48
Corruption and Inequality at the Crossroad: A Multimethod Study of Bribery and Discrimination in Latin America2010/01/01English45
Arguments about the Left Turns in Latin America: A Post-Liberal Politics?2008/01/01English41
A History of the New Philology and the New Philology in History2003/01/01English40
Inheritance and Succession in Informal Settlements of Latin American Cities: A Mexican Case Study2012/01/01English38
Race and Natural Resource Conflicts in Honduras: The Miskito and Garifuna Struggle for Lasa Pulan2006/01/01English38
The Architecture of Feminicide: The State, Inequalities, and Everyday Gender Violence in Honduras2022/01/01English38
Elite Polarization and the Electoral Impact of Left-Right Placements: Evidence from Latin America, 1995–20092016/01/01English38