The Journal of Geometric Analysis

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Classification of Bowl-Type Translators to Fully Nonlinear Curvature Flows2024/04/18English
Minimal Submanifolds via Complex-Valued Eigenfunctions2024/04/23English
Positive Solution for an Elliptic System with Critical Exponent and Logarithmic Terms2024/04/17English
The Curvature Operator of the Second Kind in Dimension Three2024/04/20English
Remarks on the Relation of Log-Concave and Contoured Distributions in $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$2024/04/20English
The Convexity of Entire Spacelike Hypersurfaces with Constant $$\sigma _{n-1}$$ Curvature in Minkowski Space2024/04/20English
A New Unified Method for Boundary Hölder Continuity of Parabolic Equations2024/04/16English
Harmonic Complex Structures and Special Hermitian Metrics on Products of Sasakian Manifolds2024/04/16English
$$(\varepsilon ,\delta )$$–Quasi-Negative Curvature and Positivity of the Canonical Bundle2024/04/16English
Operations on the Set of Scalar and Matrix-Valued Quiddity Sequences2024/04/16English
Sign-Changing Solutions for Planer Kirchhoff Type Problem With Critical Exponential Growth2024/04/16English
The Boundary Case for the Supercritical Deformed Hermitian–Yang–Mills Equation2024/04/16English
A Family of Lempert Domains2024/04/16English
Some Functional Properties on Cartan–Hadamard Manifolds of Very Negative Curvature2024/02/20English
On a Natural Map Between Twistor Spaces2024/02/20English
Continuous Solutions to Complex Hessian Equations on Hermitian Manifolds2023/09/26English
On the Restriction Formula2023/09/26English
Preserving Positive Intermediate Curvature2023/09/23English
Horizontally Affine Functions on Step-2 Carnot Algebras2023/09/09English
Closed Self-Similar Solutions to Flows by Negative Powers of Curvature2023/09/26English
The Eigenvalue Problem for the Complex Monge–Ampère Operator2023/09/26English
Some Isoperimetric Inequalities in the Plane with Radial Power Weights2023/08/12English
Stability Theorems for H-Type Carnot Groups2023/07/31English
Animal Shapes, Modal Analysis, and Visualization of Motion (IV): Geometric Constructions and Implementation2023/07/31English
Infinite Energy Harmonic Maps from Riemann Surfaces to Cat(0) Spaces2023/08/09English
Weak-Type Estimate for the Littlewood-Paley Operators Associated with Laplace-Bessel Differential Operator2023/08/26English
A Residue Formula for Meromorphic Connections and Applications to Stable Sets of Foliations2023/08/10English
Existence of Solutions for Biharmonic Equations on Conical Singular Manifolds2023/08/10English
Ground States for K-Component Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Two Types of Strongly Indefinite Structure2023/09/12English
Isoperimetric Sets for Weighted Twisted Eigenvalues2023/09/12English