Cinema Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
A Cultural Approach to Television Genre Theory2001/03/01English60
A Fannish Field of Value: Online Fan Gift Culture2009/06/01English50
Tweeting @feliciaday: Online Social Media, Convergence, and Subcultural Stardom2012/12/01English36
In Focus: Postfeminism and Contemporary Media Studies2005/12/01English31
Looking for the Gaze: Lacanian Film Theory and Its Vicissitudes2003/03/01English26
Indie Culture: In Pursuit of the Authentic Autonomous Alternative2009/03/01English26
Soap Opera in China: The Transnational Politics of Visuality, Sexuality, and Masculinity2000/09/01English23
Should Fan Fiction Be Free?2009/06/01English23
Queer Television Studies: Currents, Flows, and (Main)streams2014/12/01English22
Early Cinema and Modernity in Latin America2000/09/01English21
User-Penetrated Content: Fan Video in the Age of Convergence2009/06/01English20
Queer OS2014/12/01English19
Cinema 3.0: The Interactive-Image2010/09/01English19
Visual "Drive" and Cinematic Narrative: Reading Gaze Theory in Lacan, Hitchcock, and Mulvey2007/03/01English19
Is Archiving a Feminist Issue?: Historical Research and the Past, Present, and Future of Television Studies2008/03/01English18
Keeping Up with the Neighbors: China's Soft Power Ambitions2010/03/01English18
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon : A Diasporic Reading2004/06/01English18
Postfeminism from A to G2005/12/01English17
Film History and the Two Presents of Feminist Film Theory2004/09/01English16
Queer Asian Cinema and Media Studies: From Hybridity to Critical Regionality2014/12/01English16
Reading the Title Sequence ( Vorspann, Générique )2009/06/01English16
Rage against the Machine: Buffering, Noise, and Perpetual Anxiety in the Age of Connected Viewing2017/01/01English15
Gauging a Revolution: 16mm Film and the Rise of the Pornographic Feature2002/03/01English15
Blaxploitation Horror Films: Generic Reappropriation or Reinscription?2000/12/01English15
Rethinking Distribution for the Future of Media Industry Studies2013/03/01English15
Studying Up and F**cking Up: Ethnographic Interviewing in Production Studies2008/01/01English15
Postfeminism in the British Frame2005/12/01English15
Tumblr Youth Subcultures and Media Engagement2017/01/01English15
The Culture Behind Closed Doors: Issues of Gender and Race in the Writers' Room2011/12/01English15
Fan Labor and Feminism: Capitalizing on the Fannish Labor of Love2015/03/01English14