Aboriginal History Journal

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Aboriginal service in the First World War: Identity, recognition and the problem of mateship2015/12/16
Hunger and the humanitarian frontier2015/12/16
Lives twisted out of shape! Tasmanian Aboriginal soldiers and the aftermath of the First World War2015/12/16
‘Let us go’ … it’s a ‘Blackfellows’ War’: Aborigines and the Boer War2015/12/16
Punishment as pacification: The role of Indigenous executions on the South Australian frontier, 1836–18622015/12/16
‘The families were … too poor to send them parcels’: The provision of comforts to Aboriginal soldiers in the AIF in the Second World War2015/12/16
‘Willing to fight to a man’: The First World War and Aboriginal activism in the Western District of Victoria2015/12/16
Unravelling the Yamaji imaginings of Alexander Morton and Daisy Bates2015/12/16
Introduction: Diversifying the black diggers’ histories2015/12/16
Allawah Grove Native Settlement: Housing and assimilation2015/12/16
The murder of Melaityappa and how Judge Mann succeeded in making ‘the administration of justice palatable’ to South Australian colonists in 18492017/12/20
Two Victorian corroborees: Meaning making in response to European intrusion2017/12/20
Kooral Dwonk-katitjiny (listening to the past): Aboriginal language, songs and history in south-western Australia2015/01/14
Other picture boards in Van Diemen’s Land: The recovery of lost illustrations of frontier violence and relationships2017/12/20
Aboriginal military service and assimilation2015/01/14
Deaconess Winifred Hilliard and the cultural brokerage of the Ernabella craft room2017/12/20
Infanticide at Port Phillip: Protector William Thomas and the witnessing of things unseen2015/01/14
‘The happiest time of my life …’: Emotive visitor books and early mission tourism to Victoria’s Aboriginal reserves2017/12/20
From ‘Miss Dalrymple’ to ‘Daring Dolly’: A life of two historiographical episodes2015/01/14
‘Keep the magistrates straight’: Magistrates and Aboriginal ‘management’ on Australia’s north-west frontiers, 1883–19052015/01/14
The ‘allurements of the European presence’: Examining explanations of Wongatha behaviour in the northern Goldfields of Western Australia2015/01/14
The homestead as fortress: Fact or folklore?2017/12/20
This man’s tracks: Laurie O’Neill and post-war changes in Aboriginal Administration in Western Australia2015/01/14
‘Socialist paradise’ or ‘inhospitable island’? Visitor responses to Palm Island in the 1920s and 1930s2015/01/14
Mobilising across colour lines: Intimate encounters between Aboriginal women and African American and other allied servicemen on the World War II Australian home front2017/12/20
The Aboriginal people in Sydney as seen by Eugène Delessert, December 1844 to August 18452013/12/01
‘Black Velvet’ and ‘Purple Indignation’: Print responses to Japanese ‘poaching’ of Aboriginal women2013/12/01
Encountering Aboriginal knowledge: Explorer narratives on north-east Queensland, 1770 to 18202013/12/01
Challenging the moral issues of his time: Proud Ngarrindjeri man of the Coorong, Thomas Edwin Trevorrow (1954–2013)2013/12/01
Awabakal voices: The life and work of Percy Haslam2013/12/01