Annales de l'Institut Fourier

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Uniform K-stability, Duistermaat–Heckman measures and singularities of pairs2017/01/0182
Minimal model program for excellent surfaces2018/01/0135
Long-time asymptotics for the Degasperis–Procesi equation on the half-line2019/01/01English32
Sobolev spaces on graded Lie groups2017/01/0127
Conformal scattering on the Schwarzschild metric2016/01/01English22
The orbital counting problem for hyperconvex representations2015/01/01English21
Geometry and Spectrum in 2D Magnetic Wells2015/01/01English20
On the mean curvature flow of grain boundaries2017/01/01English20
Spectral gaps for normally hyperbolic trapping2016/01/0118
Pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with fibred corners2015/01/01English18
Remarks on degenerations of hyper-Kähler manifolds2018/01/01English18
The Li–Yau inequality and applications under a curvature-dimension condition2017/01/01English17
$L^1$ metric geometry of big cohomology classes2018/01/01English17
Approximation numbers of composition operators on H^p spaces of Dirichlet series2016/01/0116
Homotopy theory of homotopy algebras2020/01/01English16
Virtual pullbacks in K-theory2018/01/0116
Infinitely presented graphical small cancellation groups are acylindrically hyperbolic2018/01/01English15
Semiclassical microlocal normal forms and global solutions of modified one-dimensional KG equations2016/01/01English15
Potential theory on almost complex manifolds2015/01/01English15
The Deligne–Mumford and the Incidence Variety Compactifications of the Strata of \Omega \protect \mathcal{M}_{g}2018/01/0115
Arithmetic properties of signed Selmer groups at non-ordinary primes2019/01/01English15
Min-max theory for minimal hypersurfaces with boundary2018/01/0114
Graphs of curves on infinite-type surfaces with mapping class group actions2018/01/01English14
Sparse bounds for maximal rough singular integrals via the Fourier transform2021/04/15English13
On a generalized canonical bundle formula for generically finite morphisms2022/03/15English13
Rational Surface Automorphisms with Positive Entropy2016/01/0113
On short sums of trace functions2017/01/01English13
Non simplicité du groupe de Cremona sur tout corps2016/01/0113
Graph-complexes computing the rational homotopy of high dimensional analogues of spaces of long knots2015/01/01English13
Closed Range for $\bar{\partial }$ and $\bar{\partial }_b$ on Bounded Hypersurfaces in Stein Manifolds2015/01/01English13