First Break

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Facies as the key to using seismic inversion for modelling reservoir properties2012/07/01English23
Convetive heat transfer at the Soultz-sous-Forets Geothermal Site: implications for oil potential1994/11/01English23
Sub-basalt imaging in the Faeroe-Shetland Basin with large-offset data2001/05/01English22
Snowstreamer: an efficient tool in seismic acquisition1989/09/01English22
Tectonic framework and petroleum potential of the Celtic Sea, Ireland1991/03/01English22
Gleaning meaningful information from seismic attributes2008/09/01English22
Structural models: optimizing risk analysis by understanding conceptual uncertainty2008/06/01English22
Mapping fracture corridors in naturally fractured reservoirs: an example from Middle East carbonates2008/05/01English22
The MEGATEM fixed-wing transient EM system applied to mineral exploration: a discovery case history2003/07/01English22
Determination of reservoir properties from the integration of CSEM, seismic, and well-log data2006/11/01English21
3D geological modelling of a carbonate shoal complex: reservoir analogue study using outcrop data2007/08/01English21
Seismic attribute maps; application to structural interpretation and fault seal analysis in the North Sea Basin1996/12/01English21
The development of salt structures in Denmark and adjacent areas: the role of basin floor dip and differential pressure1991/10/01English21
Fault correlation during seismic interpretation1990/03/01English21
Hydraulic fracture monitoring and optimization in unconventional completions using a high-resolution engineered fibre-optic Distributed Acoustic Sensor2019/04/01English21
Building confidence in CCS: From Sleipner to the Northern Lights Project2019/07/01English21
Fractured reservoirs modelling: a review of the challenges and some recent solutions2005/09/01English21
Pitfalls in the analysis of low frequency passive seismic data2008/06/01English20
Seeing through a glass, darkly: strategies for imaging through basalt2005/05/01English20
Applying microtremor analysis to identify hydrocarbon reservoirs2005/05/01English20
Visualization techniques for enhancing stratigraphic inferences from 3D seismic data volumes2006/04/01English20
Surveying near-surface depocentres by means of shear wave seismics2013/08/01English20
Shear wave splitting applications for fracture analysis and improved imaging: some onshore examples2009/09/01English20
Mapping shallow geology and gas hydrate with marine CSEM surveys2010/06/01English20
Tutorial: Incorporating near-surface velocity anomalies in pre-stack depth migration models2012/03/01English20
Interpretation of seismic reflection and borehole data from Precambrian rocks in the Dala Sandstone area, central Sweden1991/01/01English20
High Resolution Reflection Seimics on a tidal flat in the Dutch Delta-acquisition, processing and interpretation1983/05/01English20
Automatic detection of hyperbolas in georadargrams by slant-stack processing and migration1998/06/01English20
Seismic velocities - a critique1994/12/01English19
A Review of the Two-dimensional Transform and its use in seismic processing1983/01/01English19