The Role of Land Use in Travel Mode Choice: Evidence from Boston and Hong Kong | 2004/09/30 | English | 237 |
Strategic Spatial Planning and Regional Governance in Europe | 2003/06/30 | English | 232 |
The Commuting Paradox Evidence from the Top Twenty | 1991/12/31 | English | 230 |
Beyond Polycentricity: The Dispersed Metropolis, Los Angeles, 1970-1990 | 1996/09/30 | English | 229 |
State and Municipal Climate Change Plans: The First Generation | 2008/10/21 | English | 227 |
Commuting in Transit Versus Automobile Neighborhoods | 1995/06/30 | English | 223 |
Is There a Quiet Revolution in Women's Travel? Revisiting the Gender Gap in Commuting | 2007/09/30 | English | 223 |
General Plan Evaluation Criteria: An Approach to Making Better Plans | 1997/09/30 | English | 221 |
Urban Form and Thermal Efficiency:How the Design of Cities Influences the Urban Heat Island Effect | 2001/06/30 | English | 218 |
Consensus Building as Role Playing and Bricolage | 1999/03/31 | English | 217 |
A Review of “Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability” and “Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change” | 2014/04/03 | English | 213 |
The Future of Public Space:Beyond Invented Streets and Reinvented Places | 2001/03/31 | English | 209 |
Operational Urban Models State of the Art | 1994/03/31 | English | 207 |
Local Land Use Regulation and the Chain of Exclusion | 2000/06/30 | English | 205 |
Inequities in Long-Term Housing Recovery After Disasters | 2014/10/02 | English | 205 |
Jobs-Housing Balance Revisited: Trends and Impacts in the San Francisco Bay Area | 1996/12/31 | English | 204 |
Urban Sustainability Reporting | 1996/06/30 | English | 202 |
'Which Reduces Vehicle Travel More: Jobs-Housing Balance or Retail-Housing Mixing? | 2006/12/31 | English | 199 |
Active Community Environments and Health: The Relationship of Walkable and Safe Communities to Individual Health | 2006/03/31 | English | 198 |
Smart Growth: Why We Discuss It More than We Do It | 2005/12/31 | English | 196 |
Land Use Planning Challenges: Coping with Conflicts in Visions of Sustainable Development and Livable Communities | 2004/03/31 | English | 192 |
The Intersection of Planning, Urban Agriculture, and Food Justice: A Review of the Literature | 2017/07/03 | English | 190 |
A Desire Named Streetcar Fantasy and Fact in Rail Transit Planning | 1992/06/30 | English | 188 |
Growing Cities Sustainably | 2012/04/01 | English | 188 |
The Impact of the Phoenix Urban Heat Island on Residential Water Use | 2007/09/30 | English | 187 |
Toward an Urban Design Manifesto | 1987/03/31 | English | 186 |
The Food System | 2000/06/30 | English | 184 |
The Evolving Metropolis: Studies of Community, Neighborhood, and Street Form at the Urban Edge | 1993/06/30 | English | 183 |
Anticipatory Governance | 2010/09/29 | English | 181 |
Mandating Citizen Participation in Plan Making:Six Strategic Planning Choices | 2003/09/30 | English | 178 |