Museum International

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Museums of ‘human suffering’ and the struggle for human rights2001/01/01English12
Stolen History: Looting and Illicit Trade2003/12/01English12
Dilettantism and plunder — illicit traffic in ancient Malian art1986/03/01English12
Museums as Therapeutic Environments and the Contribution of Art Therapy2016/07/01English12
Museums: Geopolitics, Decolonisation, Globalisation and Migration2019/07/03English12
The Challenge of Protecting Heritage in Times of Armed Conflict2015/01/01English12
Underwater Archaeological Exploration of the Mayan Cenotes2008/12/01English11
A Delicate Balance: Museums and the Market‐place1999/04/01English11
Language as a Vehicle of the Intangible Cultural Heritage2004/05/01English11
Managing Intangible Heritage at Tsodilo2006/05/01English11
The War of the Walls: political murals in Northern Ireland2004/09/01English11
The Bleaching of Stained and Discoloured Pictures on Paper with Sodium Chlorite and Chlorine Dioxide*1952/06/01English11
Why do people go to museums? The effect of prices and hours on museum utilization11975/09/01English11
Towards a definition and typology of historic house museums2001/04/01English10
The Concept of the Ecomuseum and its Practice in China2008/05/01English10
Museums and Local Development: An Introduction to Museums, Sustainability and Well-being2019/11/29English10
The Gossamer City: a new inquiry2002/05/01English10
On Authenticity and Artificiality in Heritage Policies in the Netherlands2005/09/01English10
In Situ Preservation: ‘the preferred option’2008/12/01English10
Stari Most: rebuilding more than a historic bridge in Mostar2004/12/01English10
Interactive exhibits: how visitors respond2000/10/01English10
The Museum and the Intangible Cultural Heritage2004/05/01English10
Museum Professionals in a Digital World: Insights from a Case Study in Portugal2018/01/01English9
Types of Claims for Recovery of Lost Cultural Property12005/12/01English9
The Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: the legal framework and universally recognized principles2004/05/01English9
Towards a Decolonial Psychology: Defining and Confining Symbols of the Past2019/07/03English8
The museum as a Communicator: A semiotic analysis of the Western Australian Museum Aboriginal Gallery, Perth1979/12/01English8
Cultural Heritage and Conflict: the view from Europe2010/05/01English8
Indigenous models of museums in Oceania1983/06/01English7
The word and beyond1985/12/01English7