Science China Technological Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Performance analysis of microcantilever array sensing2017/08/28English
Application of Lagrange’s equation to rigid-elastic coupling dynamics2017/05/02English
Shock relations in gases of heterogeneous thermodynamic properties2017/03/23English
An efficient hybrid model for fractured reservoirs2016/08/09English
A new Timoshenko beam model for simulation of mechanical system with large deformation2016/09/29English
Ultrafast investigation of room temperature valley polarization in “optical bilayer” WS22023/05/29English
Near-ground trajectory planning for UAVs via multi-resolution hybrid voxel-surfel map2023/04/19English
Human-robot shared control system based on 3D point cloud and teleoperation2023/04/24English
Solving the transient response of the randomly excited dry friction system via piecewise RBF neural networks2023/04/06English
Flexible assistance strategy of lower limb rehabilitation exoskeleton based on admittance model2024/01/20English
New technology for pipeline defect detection2024/02/19English
New method for multibody dynamics based on unknown constraint force2024/02/20English
A unified stochastic damage model for concrete based on multi-scale energy dissipation analysis2024/02/19English
Performance analysis of a photovoltaic/thermal system with lunar regolith-based thermal storage for the lunar base2024/03/05English
Six million Q factor micro fused silica shell resonator with teeth-like tines released by femtosecond laser-assisted chemical etching2024/04/09English
A novel predictive braking energy recovery strategy for electric vehicles considering motor thermal protection2024/03/25English
Dual-band dynamic reconfigurable intelligent surface for signal enhancement in millimeter wave2024/03/25English
WeldNet: A voxel-based deep learning network for point cloud annular weld seam detection2024/03/27English
Coupled interactive effects of ammonia and hydrogen additions on ethylene diffusion flames: A detailed kinetic study2023/12/04English
Design and performance investigation of modified dual reflector parabolic trough collector with double planar mirrors2023/12/08English
A tree-growing graphic model for asymmetrical phantom networks in polymeric gels undergoing dynamic mechanochemical coupling2023/12/07English
Constructal design of a rectangular parallel phase change microchannel in a three-dimensional electronic device2023/12/08English
Predicting microbial extracellular electron transfer activity in paddy soils with soil physicochemical properties using machine learning2023/12/08English
Experimental study on effects of gas flow rate on soot characteristics in diffusion flames coupled with plasma2023/12/08English
A high-power and high-efficiency mini generator for scavenging energy from human foot movement2023/10/30English
Resource assessment for combined offshore wind and wave energy in China2023/08/31English
Sedimentation process of saturated sand under impact loading2005/01/01English
Theory and application of the transient injection well test2005/01/01English
Theoretical analysis of thermal/electric-filed poling silica glass2002/12/01English