Science China Technological Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Pre-trained models for natural language processing: A survey2020/09/15English391
A review for dynamics of collective behaviors of network of neurons2015/12/01English214
Progress in study on constructal theory and its applications2012/01/16English213
Recent studies on mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete in China—A review2012/03/20English171
A novel memristive neural network with hidden attractors and its circuitry implementation2015/12/28English151
Energy analysis for damage and catastrophic failure of rocks2011/11/19English149
Sound absorption performance of natural fibers and their composites2012/06/19English147
A new strategy for integrated urban water management in China: Sponge city2018/01/31English144
The state-of-the-art of the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite mission2018/04/08English143
Preparation of polystyrene spheres in different particle sizes and assembly of the PS colloidal crystals2010/10/17English137
Exponential H ∞ filtering analysis for discrete-time switched neural networks with random delays using sojourn probabilities2016/01/30English136
State-of-the-art of 3D printing technology of cementitious material—An emerging technique for construction2017/09/14English134
Convective heat transfer and flow characteristics of Cu-water nanofluid2002/08/01English127
Transition of electric activity of neurons induced by chemical and electric autapses2015/05/16English124
Thermodynamic analyses and optimization for thermoelectric devices: The state of the arts2016/01/13English124
Dynamics of electric activities in neuron and neurons of network induced by autapses2014/05/01English124
Progress and recent trend in MILD combustion2011/02/01English118
Moment-independent importance measure of basic random variable and its probability density evolution solution2010/03/20English116
On the treatment of solid boundary in smoothed particle hydrodynamics2011/12/01English114
Contact theory2015/04/23English108
A model for nanogrinding based on direct evidence of ground chips of silicon wafers2013/07/04English107
A design method and numerical study for a new type parabolic trough solar collector with uniform solar flux distribution2014/02/14English106
Lévy noise induced stochastic resonance in an FHN model2016/01/13English105
Wind energy and wave energy resources assessment in the East China Sea and South China Sea2011/11/27English103
Application of entropy production theory to hydro-turbine hydraulic analysis2013/05/20English100
Environmental analysis of innovative sustainable composites with potential use in aviation sector—A life cycle assessment review2017/08/03English99
The influence of steel slag on the hydration of cement during the hydration process of complex binder2011/02/01English99
Review of single-camera stereo-digital image correlation techniques for full-field 3D shape and deformation measurement2017/09/12English97
Influence of the impounding process of the Three Gorges Reservoir up to water level 172.5 m on water eutrophication in the Xiangxi Bay2010/03/20English95
Effects of grain size on phase transition behavior of nanocrystalline shape memory alloys2014/04/01English94