International Journal of Mental Health Promotion

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Psychological and Emotional Responses during Different Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic Based on a Survey of a Mental Health Hotline2022/01/01English2
Comparative Effectiveness of Mind-Body Exercise Versus Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for College Students with Problematic Smartphone Use: A Randomized Controlled Trial2020/01/01English2
Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Fatigue of Chinese Nurses during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Resilience as a Mediator2021/01/01English2
Physical exercise, Sedentaary Behaviour, Sleep and Depression Symptoms in Chinese Young Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Compositional Isotemporal Analysis2022/01/01English2
Comparison of Self-Strength, Seeking Help and Happiness between Pakistani and Chinese Adolescents: A Positive Psychology Inquiry2023/01/01English2
Extension of Goal-Directed Behavior Model for Post-Pandemic Korean Travel Intentions to Alternative Local Destinations: Perceived Risk and Knowledge2023/01/01English2
Validation of the Chinese Version of the Affective Exercise Experiences Questionnaire (AFFEXX-C)2023/01/01English2
Stress, Burnout, and Resilience: Are Teachers at Risk?2023/01/01English2
The Influence of Body Investment on Depression in Chinese College Students: A Moderated Mediating Effect2022/01/01English2
A Bifactor Analysis Approach to Construct Validity and Reliability of the Affective Exercise Experience Questionnaire among Chinese College Students2023/01/01English2
Effect of Mental Health Problems on Academic Performance among University Students in Pakistan2021/01/01English2
The Effect of Brain Gym on Global Cognitive Function of Institutionalized Older People2022/01/01English2
How Urban Public Service Affects the Well-Being of Migrant Workers: An Empirical Analysis Based on the Theoretical Perspective of Social Comparison Theory2022/01/01English1
Perceived Stress and Coping Styles among the General Population in Saudi Arabia during COVID-19 Pandemic2022/01/01English1
Do Personality Variables Predict Job Embeddedness and Proclivity to Be Absent from Work?2022/01/01English1
A Social Intervention Approach to Rehabilitate the Health Psychology of Left-behind Children with Psychological Problems in Healthcare Settings2022/01/01English1
Mental Health Literacy of University Students in Vietnam and Cambodia2022/01/01English1
Association between Self-Rated Health and Depressive Symptoms in Rural Chinese Adults: A Cohort Study Based on Propensity Score Matching2022/01/01English1
Research on Career Identity in China: A Literature Review2023/01/01English1
The Evidenced Effects of Early Childhood Interventions to Promote Mental Health and Parenting in the Nordic Countries: A Systematic Review2023/01/01English1
Validation of a Self-Assessment Scale for Therapists’ Perception of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Skills in China: A Mixed Method2020/01/01English1
Self-Compassion as a Mediator in the Effect of Dispositional Mindfulness on Anxiety and Aggressiveness in College Students with Left-Behind Experience2020/01/01English1
Design an Artificial Neural Network by MLP Method; Analysis of the Relationship between Demographic Variables, Resilience, COVID-19 and Burnout2022/01/01English1
Influence of Teachers’ Occupational Stress on Anxiety by Using Cross-Media Teaching Method2022/01/01English1
The Relationship among Chinese Adolescents’ Parental Involvement, Core Self-Evaluation and School Adaptation2021/01/01English1
Why Ignore the Dark Side of Social Media? A Role of Social Media in Spreading Corona-Phobia and Psychological Well-Being2020/01/01English1
How Child Maltreatment Enduringly Impacts Aggression: A Perspective Based on Personality Solidification2022/01/01English1
The Effect of Sleep on Workplace Interpersonal Conflict: The Mediating Role of Ego Depletion2022/01/01English1
Applying SMART Goal Intervention Leads to Greater Goal Attainment, Need Satisfaction and Positive Affect2022/01/01English1
Validation of Symptom Dimensions and Sub-Type Responses in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis2022/01/01English1